Chapter 2

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Throughout the weekend, I didn't feel as much pain. However, today, Monday, all my muscles and bones in my body decided to start aching more than ever. More bruises started emerging onto my skin. Blue, green, and purple. The feeling was horrible. If I got pushed in the hallway I'd probably end up on the floor crying. That is how much the pain feels like as of now.

I really was not looking forward to going to school. Zayn and his "gang" would probably be waiting at my locker. It'd be too risky. He'd beat me up right then and there.

When I got to school, I ran to my locker and quickly got my stuff for my first period class. They were no where in sight.

I had to hurry.

As I close my locker, I hear Zayn's voice from behind me, "Oh, look who it is,"


I was too late.

His arm leaned up against my locker on the left side of me. I stood there for a moment as I thought of how to get out of this. I sharply turn to the right and try and sprint for it but Harry ran and blocked my way. An evil smile spread across his face.

"Where you going, slut?" He laughed.

"Don't call me that," I defended myself. He started walking towards me and I slowly backed up away from him.

"But you ARE one,"

He came closer and closer.

"Get AWAY!!" I punch him in the chest. He doesn't flinch as if his body was made of steel. Now I was up against my locker. There was nowhere else to run. All three of them were blocking my way and were slowly getting closer and closer.

"Please, just leave me alone," I begged.

Zayn laughed.

Other people started staring, trying to see what was going on. "I don't think you'd like to beat me up in front of everyone, considering the fact that they'd tell the principal." My words were sharp.

"Do you think we care?" Zayn walked up to me, we were now barely a foot apart. He looked into my eyes. And before I knew it, I felt his leg kick my shins. Hard.

I came falling to the floor, dropping all my binders and I was holding onto my leg. It was hurting so much. The pain was getting worse. I looked up at them. And right when I did, Liam slapped me right across the face. The burn started to spread quickly.

I winced in pain. The places in my body where they hurt me on Friday started to hurt again.

The three of them started kicking me and stepping on me in all places.

My stomach.

My foot.

My shins.

Even my head.


And over.

And over.

My vision was blurring from my tears but I could still make out who was who. I tried blinking hard to clear out the water from my eyes but it just never stopped. I was in too much pain.

Why didn't anyone come and help me? I was being brutally beat while everyone was watching.

I suddenly see Zayn stepping back. But it didn't look like he was the one trying to back up. He was pulled back by someone else. Then all of a sudden, a guy almost as tall as Zayn pulls him all the way back. I hear him yelling at Zayn but I can't make out any of the words. I see Zayn's hand go straight to the guy's face but the other guy got ahold of his hand before it could get to him. Zayn left and so did Harry and Liam. He screamed something back at the guy but he ignored them.

Different color spots started appearing everywhere and it was taking up my vision.

"Are you okay?" The guy's voice was faint.

Keep your eyes open, Brooke, come on.

But before I knew it, my eyes closed.


I woke up to someone softly shaking me by the shoulders.

"She's awake!" An unfamiliar voice says.

My eyes slowly opened, still not used to the glaring light on the ceiling.

I hear someone else walking over to where I was lying down. "Are you okay, Hun?" It was the nurse's voice. I guess that meant I'm in the nurse's office.

"Yeah, I guess," My voice croaked. I rubbed my eye as I tried to sit up. Pain shot up my back causing me to groan. "Nevermind," I tried to make the pain go away by rubbing my back but it stayed. I looked up to see the guy who saved me from getting beaten up more. He had dirty blonde hair and the bluest and most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.

"I'm Niall," He drew his hand out for me, intending me to shake it. I look at him confused. They must have kicked me so hard that I forgot how to think correctly. He impulsively put his hand back at his sides and a little into his pockets. His eyes begin to nervously look at the ground. "I-I, sorry I'm just.. Sorry," He stammers.

"No, no, it's okay, don't apologize," I assure him while giving him a small smile. He looks back up at me and grins, his dimple showing. "I'm sorry, let's just start this over. I'm Brooke," This time I put my hand out for him to shake. "Don't deny the hand shake," I let out a laugh.

He laughs with me and shakes my hand. "I should have been telling you that Ms. Brooke," The way he said my name sent small shivers down my spine. I mean, I admit, he really is cute.

"Do you think you'll be alright with going back to class, Ms. Madden?" The nurse says. I forgot she was even standing there.

"I mean, it hurts a little but I guess I can bear with it," I slowly get up from the exam bed (yes, the thing that you sit on at the doctor's office with wax paper running down the middle) and pick up my belongings.

"Do you want me to bring your stuff for you and take you to your next class?" Niall asked. He seemed so sweet.

"Oh, no it's okay, you can go to your class," I slowly crouch down so I could reach for my water bottle; the last thing to get. Once I grab ahold of it, my pencil case drops. And then, so do the rest of my stuff.

"So, you still don't want that help?" He smirks.

"Oh just take the stuff," I punch him in the arm playfully and he gathers up all my stuff that dropped on the floor.

"You're welcome," He says as we walk down the hallway together to my next class.

"Thank you," I smile at him.

i feel so horrible for not updating at all for a long time :( im sorry i understand how it's not a good thing for someone to not update I'm really trying my best, though. I'll try and update faster

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