Chapter 1

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They grabbed onto my forearm and brought me to the alley way. The place where they always went to hurt me. To beat the living shit out of me.

Harry grabbed my backpack and stuff and threw it to the ground. Zayn pinned me to the brick wall. "You little nasty shit," He said through his gritted teeth. Then his fist went straight to my stomach, knocking out almost all the air out of my body. I was gasping for air.

"Hit her again, Zayn!" Liam had a smirk spread across his face.

"No, no, please," I could barely speak.

He kept me pinned against the brick wall with one hand while his other one went straight for my face and punched me on the cheek. I tasted blood in my mouth and my vision was blurring.

"How do you like that, huh?" Another punch to my eye.

At this point I was on the ground. I couldn't move. My body was in so much pain. I could feel my eye swelling. I started coughing up blood.

"Kick her, Zayn, kick her!!" Harry chanted.

"I think that's enough for today. Have a nice day you slut." He spat.

Once, they left I tried getting up, but all my bones hurt too much.

Come on, Brooke. Just get yourself up I thought to myself.

I finally got myself up but my problem was walking home. This is going to hurt like hell. I take my first step and pain shoots through my body. I wince in pain. Just 100 more of this and I'll get home. I made my way out the alley way, the sky was already getting dark. I had to hurry. Mom would get so mad at me. How am I going to explain to her all these bruises? Hopefully she's drunk tonight. On most Fridays my mom would go out to a club with a couple of her friends and when she got home she would be drunk off her ass.


The walk to my house had only taken me 30 minutes. It was better than last time when they hurt my legs so badly it took me an hour. I slowly opened up the front door to the house and I walk in. I stood still for a few seconds to hear if it was on. Since it wasn't, that meant that my mom already went to go to sleep. Thank god. I make my way up the stairs and into my room. When I got into it, my clothes are thrown all around. Whatever. I'll just leave it there. I head to my shower and cleanse myself. As I look down at the water the color of it turns into a faded red. It was all my blood.

I hated my life. Twice almost every week, Harry, Zayn, and Liam always find a reason to beat me up. And I had no way to defend myself. I was weak. I could never stand up to them. This was how I lived my life.

When I finished taking a shower and putting some clothes on, I look into the mirror and see my face. My right eye was purple and almost swollen shut, and there was a red mark on the side of my left cheek. I'll just cover it up with makeup so Mom won't know about it.

As I went into bed, I grabbed my diary right next to me. I know, it's weird to have a diary but I always feel so much better after writing all of it out on paper.

Today, if you summed up all the events that happened, wasn't actually as bad as other days. Only a few people called me names today and I just got a few punches from Zayn. I wish they would stop though. I may not be defending myself or fighting back but that won't stop me from all of my thoughts in my head. I want to punch all the people who made fun of me. If only I had the strength to. I may not be strong physically but I'm staying strong in my heart and trying to ignore the names they always call me. I'm going to make it through all of this. I promise to myself that I will. I just have to think positive. Hopefully I won't break this promise...

I put the pencil down and placed my diary on my nightstand, turned the lights off and tried falling asleep. I shifted my body to one side but my arm was aching. I tried the other side, but my cheek would press against my pillow and it would still hurt.

I'm not going to get any sleep tonight.


The next day, I didn't have anything planned so I decided to just rest for the whole day. I placed my phone in my nightstand drawer so I could avoid using it for the rest of the day. I really didn't want to do anything that involved any internet. It always distracts me.

As I lay back down on my bed, I feel pain shoot through my entire body. It hurts so much. I guess I'm still sore from the beating yesterday.

"BROOKE!" My mother calls my name from downstairs in the living room. I get up from the bed and walked over to the living room that had a scent of alcohol in the air. Oh no.

My mother was lying down on the couch and she looked wasted.

"You really have to stop going to those clubs.." I cover my nose with my sleeve to prevent any of the smell to go into my nose. I hated it.

"Shut the fuck up," She snaps back.

Sometimes she is a good mom. But a few drinks can really make her very unmannerly and deranged. It's like she turned into a different person I don't even know.

"Get me the remote," Her words are slurred together. She adjusts her right leg so now it lays on the top of the sofa. The remote was rested right beside her.

"Mom, it's right there-"

"Just give me the fucking remote, Brooke!!" Her eyes were half open and she started kicking her legs in the air in agitation.

I stood up and walked over to my mom to quickly hand her the remote that was beside her. As she impulsively moved her arm out at me to hit me I backed away just in time.

I disliked when my mom would act like this. Honestly, it scares the shit out of me to see her in these kind of conditions.

I started to rise from my chair, "I'll be upstairs if you need-"

"NO," She interrupted, "you stay here," she shot me a glare, her eyes were surrounded with smudged eyeliner.

There she goes again, interrupting me.

"Can you go get me some vodka in the kitchen?" She lazily points behind her at the cabinet where we kept all the drinks.

"No, you can not have anymore drinks, you are wasted and I will not allow you," I snap. When it comes to times like these it's like I am the mother and she's the annoying kid. Except this annoying kid is drunk off her ass.

"Fuck you, I should've left you at that adoption center place just like you're weird ass brother,"

I could feel my anger start to rise. It pissed me off so much when she talked about Kyle like that. When I was 5, my mom had been expecting another child. Then, when Kyle got here, Mom found out that he had a disorder. She didn't want to keep the baby for some reason, which I still don't know, so she brought baby Kyle to an adoption center six months after he was born. I remember being so devastated when she did that because I had been so eager to become an older sister. Even though Kyle wasn't considered as a "normal" baby, I didn't care. I loved him so much and he meant a lot to me. Even though it was just six months, I can still remember all the different things I tried to do with Kyle.

"Don't ever talk about Kyle like that." I snapped. I was done with all her bullshit.

I start to turn to go to my room.

"Stop being so rude, Brooke. I taught you better."

I stop in my tracks and look back at her.

Don't say anything , she's just drunk that's all. At least she doesn't notice the scars. Don't say anything, don't say anything, don't say anything. But I have to defend myself. You know what, fuck it.

"You think YOU taught me better??" I laugh, "You taught me better, my ass. You're the one going to clubs every week even when you have a boyfriend!!" She looked at me, her eyes wide. I left the living room, ignoring her attempts of trying to get me back to the living room.

okay I know this chapter isn't that good but please bear with me i promise it'll start to get better soon. I just wanted to post the chapter now bc it's been a long time since i published anything. I'll also work on trying to update more often

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