Chapter 17

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   I'd arranged to meet Liam in the park again, as hopeless as it seemed without any proof, I still felt that I had to at least try to tell him what I knew.

   I suppose the vain part of me thought he'd accept every word I'd say simply because it's me saying it. It's not like it's a secret how he feels for me. He was using the tree as a stoop again as I approached but fell into step with me once I'd reached him so we kept walking, Liam taking the lead as I spoke.

   "Thanks for coming Liam, I know I didn't say anything on the phone about why I needed to speak to you but I was worried you'd not bother turning up."

   "Well what is it then?" His curt tone annoyed me.

   "Less attitude please!" I bitched, carrying on before he had a chance to protest. "It's really important and will go against whatever crap you've been taught but I know it's the truth and you just have to believe me ok?"

   "Anna, if this is the part where you tell us we've been wrong the whole time, we've heard it all before. You're not the first person to find out your stalker is an angel. We have a mission to do and that's to save the human race from being savaged by so called angels. If they were really that good, then what are they doing here in the first place, leering after our women?"

   I stared at him incredulously. I was actually at a loss for words at how right he thought he was and how wrong he actually was.

   "Liam I know you think all this is true and I feel sorry for you that you've all been so misinformed for generations by this organisation. Don't you realise how this all started? Because a few men with a grudge against the church got the wrong end of the stick!"

   "Expert now are we?"

   "Actually I've seen it. I saw it all happen." I knew I sounded crazy as soon as I said it like that. It was exactly what a crazy person would say. "I don't mean I was there, I've been having these dreams, visions of the past that have shown me the true story. And the Sicarius all started here, in this village, I've been shown because of my connections with the village, with you- a member of this stupid organisation and obviously my connection with Jarryd. It's up to me to put an end to this, Liam. Once and for all." Liam looked horrified. Wasn't quite what I was hoping for. The next thing I knew he'd grabbed my arm and was dragging me towards the trees. Once there he kept a firm hold on me despite my struggles and protests of outrage.

   I didn't know what to think of the situation, I was confused and a little scared. Once we reached a clearing, the same one the school party was at, where Liam had first realised who Jarryd was, I started to get angry at his unneccassary outburst.

"What do you think you're doing you idiot? What are we going to do hide here until Jarryd goes away?" I huffed at his stupidity, then he pulled a knife on me.

   He had one arm locked around my torso with my arms pinned to my sides and the other arm was holding a bright silver knife with a red handle at my jawline. My back was to his front so I couldn't get any read on his emotions and whether he was actually capable of going through with cutting my throat open.

   I let out a whimper and squeezed my eyes shut. Ice cold fear and red hot fury turned my brain into a jibbering mess. All my mistakes, regrets, hopes and dreams taunted me simultaniously as a single voice screamed repeatedly 'this is how I'm going to die!'

   I was paralyzed because my brain was completely occupied by thoughts and images. One part of me noticed Liam was completely still too, but his body was tense like he was waiting for something.

"Is he going to come to your rescue?" Liam taunted, his voice a vicious growl. I sucked in a deep breath knowing that Jarryd was probably already on his way, there's no chance he'd have overlooked the strength of my emotions. Knowing that Jarryd was picking up on everything only panicked me more. Liam was using me as bait but the point of the knife aimed at my jugular was all to real for me to relax, one slip and I'd bleed to death.

Lipgloss on your Wings - Branded Angel Novels book 1Where stories live. Discover now