Chapter 3

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   At home that evening me and Boiye kicked our shoes off in the living room, grabbed a couple of cans of Coke and broke into his stash of chocolate and Doritos. When we felt sick, I slumped upstairs to get my eyebrow waxing kit and tweezers.

   “Ready?” I melodramatically clicked my tweezers as I leant over Boiye‘s face.

   “Just do it A, I can take it.” I could swear I heard a quiver in his voice which made me internally smile, on the outside I looked like this was a very serious operation just to panic him more.

   “OK, on the count of three…One…” I plucked the first eyebrow hair before two, and his wide eyed and horrified expression left me doubled over with laughter for the next five minutes whilst Boiye rubbed furiously at his brow.

   “Aaah, how do I stop the burning!?”

   “Here,” I passed him his cold can of Coke, “Put this on it and it will numb your eye so we can do the rest without it hurting.”

   It took me ages to pluck the rest of Boiye’s stray brows due to me laughing at his pain and waiting for him to re-numb it with frozen food products.

   We waxed mine after and I accepted the pain gracefully, then Boiye got all defensive and started going on about how women have a higher pain threshold than men. We spent the next hour laughing and messing around like kids until we had stitches in our sides. Luckily my dad and Simon were probably at the pub so they didn’t have to witness our shenanigans. 

   By 6:00pm we started getting restless, “Shall we go get Andrea?” Boiye suggested.

   “Yes! I can’t wait for her to see us like this!” As Boiye texted Andrea I quickly grabbed a sensible pair of flat shoes from my room and a thick coat, he pulled his boots on and we made our way to the car parked on the street, keeping our heads low to avoid being seen by neighbours or passers by.

We pulled up outside Boiye’s house and he beeped three times to call on Andrea. She came out of the front door swinging her patent red bag over her shoulder and clenching a cigarette in between her glossed lips.

   “Andreaaaaaaaa!” Me and Boiye wailed out of the window like crazy hooligans.

   “Hey kids, what we doing tonight?” Andrea climbed into the back of The Beast and passed two cigarettes forward between our seats, me and Boiye took them and I held my hand back behind me for a lighter.

   Me and Boiye aren’t usually smokers but with Andrea sometimes it’s healthier to actually smoke than just be around inhaling her fumes. We lit our cigarettes and Boiye pulled off.

   “Hey And, what do you think?” I turned in my seat to face her and raised my eyebrows to draw her attention to the redness underneath my now perfectly shaped brows.

   “AHA,” Andrea belted out a hearty laugh, then I saw her eyes flick towards the rear view mirror so she could see Boiye’s eyebrow’s too and she shook her head still laughing, “You two, I’m not taking you anywhere public looking like that!”

   “Oh shut it you.” Boiye joked.

   “Where we going to go then? How about the park?” I suggested, ‘the park’ isn’t a children’s playground type park, it’s the type of park which has loads of grass and benches and trees.

   “OK kids, let me stop at the Costcutter though Boiye lad, I gotta get me self some more fags, do you want anything to drink?” She didn’t mean pop.

   “Just get me and A some cider to share.” We pulled up outside Costcutter.

   “Pffft, share, yeah right.” And with that Andrea bounced out of the car and disappeared into the shop.

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