Blackout Nights

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Hey guys this is the new story I'm working on. It's inspired by the blackouts people get and I hope you enjoy it. 

Love you pancakes! =)


 I stood by the side-walk waiting for my best-guy friend to come and pick me up for today's party. I don't even know how I got dragged into this again. Partying is fun don't get me wrong but it's the hangovers, the drama, and the puking that disgusts me.

 Thing is Aiden and I have been going to parties everyday for 3 years and so we have a reputation to maintain. The only reason I'm hesitant nowadays is because every night Aiden says the one thing I want to hear and then he blacks out. Yeah it's just a pile of amazing.

 I saw a car parking near my garage and went up to see Aiden. He lowered his window as he gave me the hop in smile. I opened the door and got into the passanger seat. I gave him a hug and said "So where's this party at?"

He frowned and rolled his eyes as he said " Hello to you too, Misha"

"Aww you look so cute when you pout!"

"Don't say I'm cute" He muttered looking away as a blush crept on his face.

"I must not tell lies."

"Haha very funny quoting Potter. Now let's go I wanna party hard tonight." Aiden said as he turned on the ignition.

"Woop Woop! Going hard not going home!"

"Haha ye-yeah baby!" he chuckled "Oh by the way I'm staying over at your place tonight."

 He turned the radio on, turned up the volume, gave me one of his famous smirks and drove off. As the car was speeding in the streets with music blasting loudly I leaned my head against the window smiling as I thought,

Here we go again...

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