The Lights Shine Again

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                                                                      Chapter Two:

I woke up as the sun's morining light hit my face as it streamed across the room. You know how beautiful things look as the sun accentuates it's features? Yeah, Aiden's room is not one of those things. You'd be lucky to find the door without tripping over the piles of mess on the carpet.

I streched my arms in Aiden's direction to get him to wake up but they hit the pillow. Odd, Aiden usually slept in later than I did. It's called his macho sleep it's what makes him hot, according to him. He says that woman have make-up to cover the bags under their eyes they don't need it as much.

I got up, got dressed, and headed downstairs to the kitchen where Mrs. Thresh was making pancakes. "Mrs. T I will move in here if you keep making me those pancakes. They smell so good!"

"Misha you'll move here sooner or later either way" she chuckled as she shook her head.

"Later" I said as I got here hint. I took a bite out of the pancake, a big one that nearly choked me. It must've known I ate its family. They're on to me!

"He blacked out again didn't he?" Mrs. Thresh said bringing me back to reality.

"I don't know really. He wasn't here when I woke up."

"Mhm." she said smirking.

"Wait. Who told you?!"

"I'm a mom. I know things."

"Nope. That's what psychics do. Will you read my fortune for me?"

"Sure. You're 20 minutes late for school and the keys are by the door. He didn't take the car either hun."

"Shit-Shishkabab. Uha just had a sudden craving" I said running to the door "Bye Mrs. T"

I ran to Aiden's car and drove to school. It wasn't scary being late for school, it was terryfying when I was late for Desi. She's gonna bite me.

 Desi is my best friend since I could remember but then she got a boyfriend and left me hanging so our time is split. Before you think Desi, Aiden and I are best of friends I must tell you Desi and Aiden can't stand each other. Another reason why our time is split.

Parking the car halfway on the school sidewalk I began to recall yesterday's events. I was an idiot!

I ran all the way to my locker to grab my books and get to class. The hallways that were usually crowded with people was empty and dead which made Desi’s footsteps coherent. 

“Misha! I was looking everywhere for you.”

“Yeah kinda over slept and ran late.”

“Obviously. Where are you going with those books?”

“Uh class? Its a room where people tend to go and learn things that give you head-aches and all that jazz.”

“There’s only five minutes to class left besides it’s one of the few times where its just the two of us. I miss that.”

“Me too Des” I smiled sadly.

“So did he black out this time?”

“There is no this time, he wasn’t there when I woke up.”

“Well if you get rid of you’re partying habit maybe he’ll know.”

“Des you’re a major party freak so you shouldn’t be talking.”

She narrowed her eyes at me “Touche.”

The bell rang and in seconds the hallways were flooded. Des and I both groaned.

She hugged me at told me she’d meet me in lunch. I was walking back to my locker to put back my books thinking about where Aiden could’ve went and why he left. Maybe I was too harsh?


Hearing his voice sent shivers down my spine, startled by it I did this awkward dance and slammed my head on the locker.


Very smooth Misha.

He was by my side in seconds just like always and right then I knew what I had to do now. I looked up to Aiden smiling and chuckling a bit as he laughed at my amazing coordination.

He smiled back before putting his serious face one "Can we talk?"

To mon amazing cousin Juice the Shmexy Pepsi!!! I LOVE YOU LIKE CRAZY WOMAN!! <3

Soo this is a kinda boring chapter but it was too damn long for my liking...anyways for all of you who don't like mainsteem I appologize for the song but I feel like it sorta fits??


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