The Party

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Link to the awesome song/ source of inspiration for this story! --->

                                                                            Chapter Uno:

I groaned as the car made a U-turn for the third time and said "Just admit it Aiden we're lost."

"No, we're not I'm just having fun." He said with a smile plastered on his face.  

"I bet you are" I said. Like me, Aiden had no sense of direction. We once got lost in the mini market, that had one exit, by going the other way. Yeah it's that bad.

I suppressed a laugh as I turned to him and said "Hey Aiden we should've turned left by the third exit by the way."

"And you tell me this now?!"

"What? I thought you were having fun."

5 minutes later we finally arrived and we practically were ready to jump out of the car. I waited by the sidewalk as Aiden parked the car a couple of blocks away. This was it and I couldn't wait.

The music was blasting so loud I could feel the vibrations running through my veins and matching my heart beats. This was my weakness, when dancing it's as if the world disappears and I can be whoever I want. No cares, and no worries, just dance.

I felt a hand on my shoulder pushing me towards the party urgently and knew it was Aiden. Partying was our addiction. It was our thing.

"Misha come on dance with me!" He yelled as we were going up the stairs.

"Aiden we're not even in yet."

"Who cares?" He was waving his hands in the air as he said" Let's dance our way in! It would be like the big entrance of the night. Crowds would cheer and we would be legend!" 

"Dude. We ARE legend." I said as I pushed the door aside revealing the party that we were about to crash.

When we were in I was possessed by the music and the craving to dance overcame me. I dragged Aiden with me to the middle of the dance floor pushing the crowd people out of our way. I started dancing moving my hips to the rhythm of the beats as Aiden danced while smiling at me. It brought memories of the first time we ever danced together.

Aiden was in ballet class and we got partnered up for our recital. Aiden and I had this urge to make up our own dance moves  every time but we saved it for our recital. On the night of the rehearsal we  stopped dancing with the class and started doing weird, crazy dance moves of our own. Later on that day we were "banned" from being partners but other than that we were inseparable.

We spent hours on the dance floor just dancing before someone pulled the plug on the music system and yelled Truth or Dare. Aiden and I just looked at each other before he chuckled and tugged my arm towards where the people now sat. There were people from our school but it was mostly random people we always saw at parties.

A red head got picked first and was dared to throw ice cubes down her crush's pants. A blonde was asked if she would ever strip for money. Then it was Aiden's turn and being the guy that he was he picked dare. All the guys always picked dare to prove their manliness, its like this unwritten rule for them.

He was dared to fart on some girl's face 5 times, and he chose the school's most popular one, his half-sister. The were so close but they just liked getting on each others nerves. She gave me a pleading look and I went to Aiden dragging him away from her.

The game got boring after that so I got up as I said "Listen I came here to have fun! This is a party I don't know about you but I'm gonna plug in the stereo system, dance, and go wild."

Aiden jumped up next to my side and said "Right next to you."

I plugged in the stereo and made my way to the kitchen and watched as people did shots and drinking games. Ew, I hated drinking but Aiden was amongst them and I had to make sure he was okay like every other night.

This time he was winning, or so he thought. He was left playing alone, after all the other players were too sick to continue, or unconscious. 

He raised his arms up and slur-yelled "I am king of the world! Whoop whoop!"

Hours passed since then and we just went wilder, partied harder, and got crazier. Aiden and I barley made it out the door without falling flat on our faces. He was a heavy guy, fit, but come on he was still a guy. We got in the car and we were driving to my place when he got a call from his mom saying she needed us home tonight because our house was 'occupied'.

"EW! Mrs. Thresh I didn't need to know that" I said as Aiden closed the phone.

 "Haha. Misha all she said was that your parents are doing the nasty-"

"Lalalala I don't want to know!" I yelled with my fingers in my ear.

I pulled up next to the curb of Aiden's driveway then pulled him into the house and into his room. His mom was sleeping upstairs and his half-sister was sleeping at a friend's house. I shoved him on his bed and threw myself next to him.

He wrapped his arms around me as I nuzzled into his neck and got our legs were tangled. He cleared his throat before he started talking about how penguins would be the solution for peace with aliens. However only if we shave their heads and dye their beaks purple.

He closed his eyes for a moment and then looked at me "Hey Misha I think you should know that I-"

I cut him off before he said those dreaded words "Don't. Just don't."

I looked up to meet his eyes full of hurt. I hated to see hurt on his face but he would do the same thing again if I didn't stop him. "Look Aiden, I know what you're gonna say but then you'll black out and forget about all this tomorrow."

"This happened before?" he whispered his voice now barley audible as his eyes widened a bit.

Aiden's P.O.V

How else could she possibly know?

Maybe mom told her? They were pretty close.

Or Angela did! She was a devious sister.

But how did Angela know? Oh she read my diary!

Wait, Aiden you don't have one. Calm down dude, calm down.

I looked down at her, she was sleeping with her arms around my waist. I kissed her forehead and said " I love you Misha."

When I said those words flashbacks came running, flooding my mind with the many times that I told her I loved her but I don't remember her replying. I must've blacked out then.

But I love her.

I really do.

This time I won't blackout!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bottom Note:.................

For my awesome Nourah for being amazing! (AS ALWAYS)

Thanks a ton for reading this! I know its sad in the end knd-of depends on the person but anywho it'll get better dont worry. I'm not a fan of sad endings too much of them in real life. I like em' cheesey! (sp?) 

Well Im of to pig-out on my fridge. Im sorry let's be civil- wait no- Im still gonna pig-out.

See ya later mushy-mellows ;D

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