He Actually Said That Sober?

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He offered his hand and helped me stand up.

I have to do this.

"Yeah of course" I said smiling.

Aiden took a deep breath and looked into my eyes. He took a step closer forcing my back to touch the lockers.

He cleared his throught "Misha I know you don't want to hear this but it's been on the tip of my tongue for too long. I didn't forget last night.-"

My eyes widened a bit "About that Aiden sorry for shutting you up" I said as I looked to the floor.

He placed his left hand onto the lockers and lifted my chin up with his right making me look straight into his beautiful glistening eyes. I looked everywhere but at him.

He brought his face closer and his nose was now touching mine. "Look at me" He said soothingly.

"What happened before doesn't matter. What matters now is that I'm making it right. I love you Misha. Always have. Always will."

It sent shivers down my spine and extreme hsppiness now coarsed my veins.

He said that.

He actually said that sober.


My gaze met his again and I jumped into his arms and kissed him. His lips on mine was pure ecstacy . I felt alive. I finally had him.

He kissed me back roughly before chucking "Wow Misha talk about throwing yourself at a person."

"Shut up!" I said giving him a slight punch on his arm.

He held me close to him smiling. My hands now held the front of his jacket and I kissed him once more saying "I love you too."

The hall erupted with "It's about time!" and "Told you it would happen!"

I laughed as Desi made her way over smiling like an idiot.

She looked at us seriously and said "Ok Aiden you managed to get her heart. I give you props for that but break it and Ima break your sorry a-"

"I won't" Aiden replied.

Desi narrowed her eyes at him.

"I won't!" he repeated.

I rolled my eys at them "So nice to know everything is gonna run smoothly from now on..."

Desi smiled "But babes where's the fun in that? Oh yeah I just remembered. Today. Party. Jared's house. See you there. No excuses."

With that Desi walked away and I looked at Aiden again.

He raised his hand up as if in defeat "Nope. Not going to black out again. No more parties for me."

"No! You don't have to drink! If you do Ima smack yo ass! Promise." I said giving him the best puppy dog eyes.

Break Aiden.

I know you wanna party!

He sighed "Fine. But I'm holding you to your promise. Just make sure when you smack it you do it gently. Don't want to hurt my tushy" He said rubbing his butt.

"Haha. You big pervert!" I said linking his arm with mine as we went to our next class.

"But I'm yo pervert!" He said giving me a peck on the lips.

I started kissing back whenan annoying voice broke us appart.

"No PDA!" said our stupid bald english teacher "Just what I needed! You two are as crazy as it is alone, this is just great!"

He rubbed his bald head and walked away contunuing talking to himself.

"Awh. But Mr. Rogers we love you!" I shouted after him.

"Yeah. We should totally have a threesome sometime!" Aiden finished.

Mr. Rogers didn't bother looking back as he yelled "Detention! Today! At four!"

Aiden and I burst out laughing as I thought.

Good times. Good times...


And thats all folks!!

Woop woop! First story to ever be finished!!

I feel accomplished... :')

Random note: I had a dream about being inlove with a taxi driver.

Good news: He was smokin'

Bad news: I woke up.

This one is dedicated to you all!

Thanks for being here.

I love you!! <3

And le me is out shmexy pepsis!!

Every body conga!! ;)


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2012 ⏰

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