Chapter 3: Lullaby for a hedgehog Prince

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A/N: The video in this chapter was what gave me the idea for the whole story. I hope you all enjoy it.

A few years have passed after the defeat of Dark Manic. During that time when anyone want to know what happened to Manic, they just thought he died in an accident. The hedgehog family felt too pained about what really happened to reveal the truth. But no one felt more guilty and painful about it than Sonic.

He always felt bad about banishing his own brother to the moon, and even more for making him feel the way he did. Not a day went by when he didn't live with regret or forgot about his brother.
He didn't think he would meet anyone he'd care as much as he did about Manic, until he met Tails. About a year after Dark Manic's banishment, he ran into a young, two-tailed, yellow fox being picked on by some bullies. He came over and scared off the bullies and introduced himself to the fox. His name was Miles Prowler, but he preferred to be called Tails. He told Sonic that he was good at building mechanics and technology, and how people teased him for that and his twin tails. But Sonic thought both of those made him special and that he shouldn't feel ashamed about them. This made Tails feel better because he knew he found a best friend. Ever since then, Sonic and Tails have always been best friends, even more, they became brothers.
Years later
After all that time, Sonic still continued to protect his home and people from danger. But this time, he didn't hesitate to accept help from friends. Let's see what he's doing now.

The now 17 year old hedgehog is having a hover boarding race with Tails and the rest of his friends.
"Keep it up Tails, we're about to leave these two in the dust!", Sonic said to Tails as they were racing a red echidna and a silvery white hedgehog. "You got it bud!" Tails responded. They kept on going until the other team began to speed past them. The silver-white hedgehog called out to them, "You may be faster on your feet Sonic, but we got you beat on extreme gearing. Right Knuckles?" He asked the red echidna. "That's right Silver! See you guys at the finish line! Ha ha!" And with that, Knuckles and Silver speeded away with Sonic and Tails close behind.
Waiting at the finish line, was a pink hedgehog, a peach colored rabbit, and a purple cat. "Do you see them anywhere Blaze?" Asked the pink hedgehog to the purple cat named Blaze. "I see them Amy. It looks like it's going to be close." She told the hedgehog, Amy. "I wonder who's gonna win this time?" Asked the rabbit. "We're about to find out Cream. But I really hope Sonic makes it." Said Amy to the rabbit Cream.
Back with the boys, Knuckles and Silver were in the the lead. Sonic and Tails were following from behind trying to beat them. "Looks like we got find a new trick Tails." Sonic said "You're right Sonic, and I think we know just the trick." Said Tails as Sonic smirked with him. Then they got close to each other, grabbed both hands, and started to spin like a twister. They kept spinning around and around until Sonic let go and slingshot Tails towards the finish line. He zoomed past Silver and Knuckles with Sonic following behind him as he crossed the finish line.

"And the winners are Sonic and Tails!" Called out Blaze. Amy and Cream cheered while Sonic and Tails high five each other. Then Silver and Knuckles came in after them. "That was a nice finish you two." Said Silver "Yeah. Where did you guys learn that trick?" Asked Knuckles. "It's a trick we've been working on. We thought that now would be a good to use it." Said Sonic while he gave Tails a pat on the back. "Well you guys were amazing!" Amy said. Then she ran towards Sonic and gave him a tight hug while everyone else started to laugh at it. 

Later that day, the whole group spread out and went back to their homes. Silver and Blaze were on their way home while talking about Sonic and Tails. "I gotta admit, that was a great trick they pulled out in the end." Silver told Blaze. "That's Sonic and Tails for you. Those two are inseparable. They practically treat each other like brothers." Said Blaze.
"Yeah. I get why Sonic is so close to him like that." Silver kept saying, which made Blaze curious. "What do you mean?" "His sister Sonia told me about how he lost his brother in an accident when they were 13." He answered. "Oh I remember. She said they had an argument before the accident and Sonic never got to say sorry. He was really depressed after that, until he met Tails." Blaze said. "Well you can definitely expect Sonic to take better care of Tails. If it were me, I wouldn't want to lose anymore family." Silver said. Blaze just nodded as they held hands while walking home.
With Sonic, he was at Tails' house and saw the lights were on in his workshop. "Tails? Are you in here? Tails?" He called out. When he opened the door, he saw Tails lying his head on the desk table, fast asleep. He smiled and shook his head because it wasn't the first time he slept while working. He walked up and picked up the sleeping fox in his arms. After turning off the workshop lights, Sonic carried Tails to his bedroom, put him on the bed and covered him with the sheets. "Goodnight buddy." Sonic said quietly and left the house and ran to his home.

When he arrived at his house, he looked up and saw the moon almost full. On the surface of the moon, was a shadow image of a hedgehog. He looked at the image of his brother sadly while remembering him. Even though Tails is like his brother now, Sonic would still think of Manic and all the things they used to do. Sometimes when the moon showed his picture, he would sing a lullaby to him as if he would listen.
So Sonic looked up at the moon and started to sing.

Fate has been cruel and order unkind
How can have sent you away
The blame was my own, the punishment yours
The harmony silent today
But into the stillness, I'll bring you a song
And I will your company keep
Till your tired eyes and my lullabies
Have carried you softly to sleep

As he sang, he entered his bedroom and took out a photo album with old photos of him and siblings before Manic turned dark.

Once did a hedgehog, who ran like the wind
Look out on his kingdom and sigh
He smiled and said surely there is no other
So valiant or so well beloved as I
So great was his reign, so brilliant his glory
That long was the shadow he cast
Which fell dark upon
The young brother he loved
And grew only darker as days and nights pass

Soon did that hedgehog take notice that others
Did not give his brother his due
And neither had he loved him as he deserved
He watched as his brother's unhappiness grew
But such is the way of the line light
It sweetly takes hold of the mind of its host
And that foolish hedgehog did nothing to stop
The destruction of one who
Had needed him most

Lulla dear prince, goodnight brother mine
Rest now in moonlight's embrace
Bear my lullaby winds of the earth,
Through cloud, and through sky, and space
Carry the peace and the coolness of night
And carry my sorrow in kind
Manic you're loved so much more than you know
May troubles be far from your mind
And forgive me for being so blind

Sonic was then remembering the night he defeated Dark Manic and how he cried from seeing his own brother imprisoned because of his pride. Then he looked up at the moon and reached out as he sang.

The years now before us, fearful and unknown
I never imagined we'd face them on our own
May these sunless winters
Swiftly pass I pray
I love you, I miss you
All these miles away
May all your dreams be sweet tonight
Safe upon your bed of moonlight
And know not of sadness, pain, or care
And when I dream I'll run away to meet to you there
Sleep, sleep, sleep

When Sonic was done singing, he wiped away any tears he had in his eyes and went to bed.

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