Chapter 2

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Sans' POV

"SANS! COME ON! WE'LL BE THE LAST ONES THERE AT THIS RATE!" Papyrus said. Sans hurried over.

"i'm on my way bro." He said. With that they both left for the park. They met up with Frisk and the others there. 


"Hi Papyrus!" Frisk said running up to hug him. The others greeted them as well. They had fun throwing the frisbee around and chatting. Then the had their picnic. 

Suddenly somebody called out to Frisk.

"Hey Frisk!" Sans turned. It was a young boy with black hair and brown eyes. Frisk smiled.

"Hey Danny!" They greeted. 

"Come here! I wanna show you something!" He called. Frisk looked at Toriel for permission.

"Just come back soon my child." She said. Frisk nodded and ran over to him. The two disappeared around some trees. Sans was glad the kid was making friends with some of the human kids. They kept eating. Soon it had been 10 minutes. Sans was wondering where they had gone. He got up. 

"i think i'll go check on the kid." He said.

"I'LL COME WITH TOO!" Papyrus exclaimed.

"Same here!" Undyne agreed. With that they left and went in the same direction they had gone. The moment they were around the trees they saw Frisk being pulled into a black car. They were struggling to get away. Then the door slammed closed. The car drove off. 

"Frisk!" Sans exclaimed. There was an older girl with red hair standing there paying a kid with black hair. Undyne charged them before anyone could do anything else. The kid spotted her and looked confused. 

"You little punk!" She yelled. The girl turned and gasped. 

"Sam look out!" She yelled and blocked Undyne's attack. Undyne cut her arm and she screamed in agony. Sans and Papyrus ran over. Sans' eye was glowing.

"how dare you! where's Frisk?! where are you taking them?!" Sans yelled. Then he looked up and saw that the kid wasn't the same kid. Sans was confused. Then the kid ran yelling,

"HELP! Help! We're under attack!" Suddenly a new voice spoke.

"S-Sans?! U-Undyne?! Papyrus?! W-what's going on here?!" Sans turned. He froze.

"F-Frisk?! b-but how-" Suddenly two police officers showed up. They gasped and saw Undyne still holding a spear. They took out their guns. 

"Drop the weapon now!" One of them growled. Undyne looked scared and dropped it. They grabbed her. "Your coming with us!" One of them spotted the girl. While the first took Undyne away the second got out their walkie talkie. 

"We need an ambulance out here! We're at North Central Park!" He said. He put it back and helped aid her. Then he looked up. He glared at them. He took out his gun again. "Get back! I knew you monsters were evil!" He snapped. Sans was shocked and afraid of what would happen to his friend. Frisk stepped in front of the police man.

"I-I'm sure there's a reason for all of this! Undyne would never attack someone without reason!" He put his gun away still glaring at them.

"Well keep the rest of your friends away from her." He growled. They all stepped back. The officer got up and kept in contact with the ambulance coming. He wasn't looking at the girl clutching her arm in pain with the boy next to her. Papyrus hurried to get help from the others. Frisk called after him. While no one else was looking the girl gave him a nasty, evil, and psychopathic grin. He froze. they planned it...they planned it all! He realized. Then she frowned looking horrified and in pain again. Sans wanted to blast her, but he knew better. If he killed her he'd be in more trouble than Undyne and put everyone else in jeopardy as well. This was a fight that couldn't be won by weapons. Then an ambulance came. They took her and the boy away. She shot one last evil grin at Sans before letting herself be helped into the ambulance. Sans gave her a hateful glare in return.

"Sans, what happened?" Frisk asked him.

"we were tricked. we saw what we thought was you being kidnapped. Undyne attacked that girl because it looked like she was helping. we were fooled by the appearance. that kid wasn't you and that girl knew we were coming. Undyne's been framed." Sans growled. Frisk looked shocked and worried. Sans sighed. "one thing's for sure. this is gonna force a major set back for us living on the surface in peace."

*2 days later*

"I say we bring the AMD back!"

"They just proved that they can't be trusted!" Sans heard others yelling and screaming their agreement. The whole monster group, except Undyne, was there at city hall. Frisk was trying to calm the human protesters down with the mayor.

"I'm sure this was just a misunderstanding!" The mayor assured.

"One that lead to blood spilled!? I doubt it! Just like a creature to attack without thinking! They're no better than wild animals!" One man shouted. Sans just stood there. He new nobody would listen to him. He was very close to Papyrus though. Some of them had rocks and some police officers were struggling to keep them from trying to throw them. 

"P-please calm down!" Frisk begged them. Sans knew they had to get out of there. Then officer Nate ran up to them.

"You've gotta go! This is getting dangerous!" He said. 

"got it." Sans said. Frisk hurried over and he teleported them back to his house. Sans sighed and collapsed on the couch. 

"SANS!" Papyrus shrieked. Sans had already passed out from stress. (I think that's possible? IDK It's Sans so I'm going with it.)

*Later that night* 

Sans groaned and woke up in his bed. He sat up. It was 12:39 a.m. and he still felt dizzy. Sans rubbed his foreskull. It felt like it was throbbing. Sans groaned again. Then he heard a crash. It came from Papyrus room. Loud vicious barking and a scream followed shortly after. 

"Pap!" Sans exclaimed. He tried to teleport, but he couldn't. His soul hurt when he tried along with his head. Sans got to his feet and stumbled. He quickly pushed himself back up and clumsily ran out of his room. Papyrus was running from an attack dog. Sans gasped. He tried to use his magic again, but once again the pain stopped him. He gasped and clutched his shirt in the area where his soul was. Papyrus ran over to him and helped him back into his room. He slammed the door shut just in time. After Papyrus shut the door in the dogs face he locked it. 

"They're in there!" A female voice yelled angrily.

"Get them!" A male voice shouted.

"we have to gt out of here." Sans said urgently. Papyrus looked at him. Sans tried one last time to teleport, but his soul hurt even more. He gasped and fell to his knees in pain.


"but we have to get out!"

"I WILL GET US OUT!" He said and picked him up. Papyrus helped him over to the bed quickly. He grabbed Sans' hoodie and Sans slipped on his shoes. Then a loud banging sounded. They were trying to break down the door! Papyrus, in only his PJ's, grabbed Sans and ran to the window. He launched his bones at it and it shattered. Papyrus jumped and Sans held on tighter to his brother. Papyrus landed and kept running. 

"They're out the window! Send the dogs after them!" The girl yelled. Sans looked behind them. Two dogs were chasing after them. Papyrus set him down.

"BROTHER, YOU MUST GET TO TORIEL'S! I'LL HOLD THEM OFF! I PROMISE I'LL MEET YOU THERE!" Papyrus said, facing them. Sans didn't want to leave, but without his magic he'd only be in the way. Sans ran for his life, leaving Papyrus to fend off the dogs alone. Sans ran into a nearby woodland area. He could hear more dogs right behind him. They were barking and howling. Sans kept running. He looked behind him. Sans then tumbled into a small and almost completely dried up stream. He recklessly scrambled out of it and kept running. He heard a dog splash down into it and then leap out. Sans new they were getting closer. He saw a hollowed out tree up ahead. It was a huge oak. Sans ran into it. There was a boulder inside. He pushed on it. It was loose. Sans kept pushing. The barking kept getting louder and closer. Then the rock toppled over. Sans sat down in the corner and tried to be as quiet as possible. He could hear the dogs sniffing around outside the tree. Then they left. Sans breathed a sigh of relief. He knew it'd be no use trying to teleport to Toriel's let alone out of the tree. He'd have to wait for help to come, or until his magic was better.

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