Chapter 10| A Rather Strange Boy Has Arrived

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Before I knew it, I was being overwhelmed by the large amount of people surrounding me. North and Luisa are no where to be found and my sibling and her friends were too busy being stampeded by the crowd to help me. The moment I saw the crowd shifting towards me in high speed, I knew my sudden debut to be a prodigious child was a bad move in my part.

As I finally thrash my way out of the bewildered crowd, a smirking seven year old held his head high, looking at me with full haughtiness. I felt slightly annoyed but nevertheless fixed myself up. Really, if he was such a high classed spoiled brat, he could have at least shown a bit effort of acting like a gentleman.

"Seems like the dusty prodigy's annoyed, no ?" He announced like he wasn't ignored by the crowd in front of us. Before I could insult him and his puny pride however, a man who was thrice as old as me picked up the haughty boy and glared at him.

"Young Master, Where did you hide this time ?" He asked, hiding a strange aura behind himself. The boy shuddered, noticing the dark aura and looked down to the ground.

"No place, Brother Lithe" the boy explained with a rather guilty expression. The butler was about to start scolding the boy when he noticed me. The boy noticed too his butler's gaze and immediately sweated bullets.

"Ah, and who might you be, young miss ?" He asked with a light smile, as if his earlier actions wasn't just noticed by me. I must admit, I almost mistook him as a mother with that fierce scolding eyes that resemble the eyes my previous mother (the one I had in my past life) had when I did something wrong.

"My name is Rein Aurelia, a pleasure to make your acquaintance" I curtsied, remembering my practical etiquette lessons with my tutor and Luisa. What hardships I faced through those times, running away with the use of the horses and hiding inside the forests. I shiver at the thought of my old tutor, Madam Zenobia.

"Ah, at least this girl has some respect, unlike a certain somebody I'm currently carrying" he purposely stretched the word 'somebody' while looking at the boy. The butler suddenly let the boy down, to my surprise.

"Go on, introduce yourself" he nudged the boy, much to the latter's irritation. With an annoyed sigh, a stomp on the butler's foot and a satisfied grin, he bowed in front of me.

"My name is Godric Rowen Salvador Holowbergh III" he introduced himself with his unbelievably long name. I slightly mentally cringe at the thought of myself trying to remember his long name. With the way he holds himself, there was a large chance he could possibly be from a noble house.

"I'm really sorry, my master must have troubled you" the butler, Lithe, apologized before suddenly being hit on the face with a stray staff from the crowd. The aura from earlier sufficed, larger and more intimidating that last time.

"I had enough !" He clapped his hands together. He looked at his master and pointed at the still growing crowd. Godric sighed and clicked his fingers together. Why so suddenly did I feel the immediate feeling of knowing Godric from somewhere ?

While I ponder, I suddenly noticed the shrine clothes the instructors wore being worn by Godric. No... don't tell me....

"Everyone, quiet !" Godric' voiced bombarded the entire arena. Everyone instantly shut their mouths and looked towards where Godric was.

"What is all this commotion ?!" He asked with a authoritative voice. I looked at the crowd, who looked like they were ashamed. Amazing. To make such a large crowd look so ashamed by just with the sound of your voice, who are you really, Godric ?

An instructor suddenly appeared and began whispering onto the albino's ear and been distinctly pointing at me while the action was done. Only after he finished did Godric nodded and looked at me. What annoyed me the most right now was that he was smirking. Smirking !

If he made some crazy plan, I would make sure the stranger would not see the next sunlight. Before I could do that however, he was already announcing what might destroy me forever.

"I, Godric Rowen Salvador Holowbergh III, hereby announce that this girl on the platform with me, Rein Aurelia, will go under the Queen Dowager, Corona Amelia Septimius, also known as my grandmother, as her pupil"

Wait, What did he just say ?

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