Chapter 37| Schedules Are Not Supposed To Be Packed At The First Day

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It was obvious my presence made a large impact on the crowd. But that didn't mean I should like it.

The crowd gossiped as I walked towards the attendant. I unconsciously rubbed my middle finger's callus, something I attained from writing in my journal while on my journey. Even though my mother almost fainted at the sight, I grew the habit on rubbing it if I become nervous or isolated. Such as now.

I didn't know I was already in front of the attendant until I was up close. She looked like one of those women who wouldn't be able to understand a joke, even if it was in front of her. Nevertheless, I put on my most polite smile and asked for my schedule and room keys.

She looked away from her papers and did a double take before fixing her composure.

"M-miss Aurelia ?" She identified quickly. I nodded enthusiastically, thinking that the faster I get my schedule and my room keys, the faster I can run away from the stares I'm getting.

She gulped, looking like she seen a very well-known royal member before shuffling through the schedule cards. In one swift movement, she gave me a velvet card. I immediately gained gasped of awe. I turned towards the first years, only to notice how the new students have a different colored schedule card than mine. I turned to the attendant in confusion.

"Why is it that my card is different from theirs ? Did I do something wrong ?" I asked, swear starting to form as worry crawled into my stomach. She shook her head before standing up.

"Miss Aurelia, your card's color is different because your in a different class altogether. We seen your outstanding swordsmanship and your top-notch academics and the Student Commission knew you had to be placed in the Platinum Sect" she explained as she pointed at the signature of the Student Commission Leader. I knew at that moment I did what every heroine has done. I've leveled up.

I groaned internally. This is going to create more problems that I should be gaining. For starters, Catherine and the rivals in the original game are outstanding.

Though it did not state in the game about any Sections for academics and non-academics, it was obvious in their stats that they got both brains and an athletic body to be able to skip a year. Plus, Simon was just a few points away from me to become the first in the Exams so it was to be expected that he'd appear in the same Sect as me. I cannot allow this. I have to find some kind of loophole.

I then thought of an idea.

"But Miss," I said as politely as possible, "Sir August stated himself that I would be the representative of the first years along with Simon, so I must be in the same Sect as them"

The attendant smiled, knowing what I was up to. She carefully thought of what she should say next before replying.

"Miss Aurelia, you may be the representative but that doesn't mean you have to be in the same Sect as them. Of course you'll all have the same homeroom teacher but you and a handful of students in your year are placed in a different Sect. By being in a different Sect, you gain more privilege than the rest of your classmates such as more advanced studies and more professional professors" she smiled innocently and my smug smile turned to a frown.

She contradicted it too well. I couldn't find any more loopholes. With a sigh of pure defeat, I asked for my dorm keys and left the lobby with my schedule.

Fortunately, the dorms were very close. It was already stated on the key which dorm are you supposed to be. Your probably confused right now. Sect ? Dorms ? What are you talking about ? Well, your not the only one surprised by this. I was also shocked to hear that there were different dorms and Sects. And I didn't hear this from just anyone. I heard this from my mother herself.

Let's first talk about the dorms. There are supposed to be four dorms. The four dormitories are Blue, Yellow, Red and Green. Blue represents intelligence, Yellow is to goodwill, Green is to judgment and Red is to strength. While most people try to say that every dorm is equal in fear of angering a high-ranking noble, I would say that Blue influences  this school the most. Red comes second, Green third and lastly, Yellow. Other than that, I only know that the Red and Blue dormitories have been competing against each other for decades.

The second thing I should talk about are the Sections. There are seven Sects all in all. The seven Sects are suppose to represent your academic and non-academic skills. The list is from bottom to the top. Gray, White, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Emerald and Platinum. Each Sect has it's own separate professors and the higher the Section, the more complicated your studies are.

And as you can see, I'm part of the Platinum Sect, which is both very beneficial and very problematic. By gaining status, I raise my family name but being in the same possible class as Simon, Catherine and the rivals, I inch closer to either an unwanted marriage or my death.

My mind's train of thought was stopped however, when I noticed that I was in front of a large crowd of students blocking the entrance to my dormitory.

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