Chapter Four

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(A/N) I decide to publish chapter four today cuz there's a hurricane coming and I don't know how things would be this week. Lots of love.

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Picture of King Rafael and Philip

"But a mermaid has no tears, and therefore she suffers so much more."
- Hans Christian Andersen, The Little Mermaid.

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Mermadia, King Poseidon's Castle

The Head Warrior of King Poseidon was passing back and forth in his office. He supposed to be training his pupils but he was too worried to do something. Let alone teaching teenagers how to protect his king and the kingdom. He was wearing his colossal crustacean armor. With bracers, armbands and belt with his sworn and dagger hanging from it. His sword at his waist.

The visit he gives his princess had let him worried, he fears for her. She was in a strange place with no one to trust. She didn't know about the human world.

But there was something more important that worries him. And he didn't want the story to repeat itself. He cannot lose someone dear to his heart. He doesn't know what to do.

¿How could I help her? He thoughts.

He didn't have his answers, but there was someone he trusts and that someone could help him.

Tristan left his office in a hurry, Sebastian who was standing behind his door ready to knock was pushed away moving in circles. When he manages to control the force of the water he saw the form of Tristan leaving the palace.

Tristan swim away from the palace, his lover live far away from the palace. Hence that her mother was the evil sea witch sister of his king was an understandable. Macrina live in a cave, it was a beautiful place with lots of lights and rock. The cave also had an exit that makes it impossible to get in or get out as the waves crashed very violently. But you could see whenever the sun rise or set.

The warrior entered the cave from the secret passageway. The cave had three entries, the secret passageway, the main entrance other merpeople knows and the death waves as she calls them. When Tristan enters the cave he gives his lover a fright making her drop a few wrong potions in the cauldrons.

"¡Fantastic! You make me ruin a good potion now I had to start from the beginning." She said as she turns around she glared at him but stopped when she saw his troublesome face.

"¿What's wrong love? Are you okay? ¿Did something happens with Aquamarine?"

"No, the princess is safe for now." He said sitting down on the green couch she owns. She sat down next to him wrapping her arms around him. He notices she was wearing one of her many white crowns. This one had black and silver wrapped around the white. The black chains fall over her face and white hair.

"You are so beautiful." He whispered making her blush but she brushes those thoughts away and concentrate on what had brings him here in that state. "If she's safe, ¿Then what had you so worried?"

"I am afraid the story repeats itself." Macrina was a little bit confused. "¿What do you mean?" Her purple eyes stared at his forest green eyes.

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