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(Cailin's POV)

"Excuse me? I just met you!" I gasped as tears threatened to spill over my cheeks as I began to recall my past.

Vikk looked embarrassed as he looked down and shuffled his feet

"Sorry if that was a bit direct. That kind of came out wrong." He replied sheepishly.

"No. It's fine." I said flatly.

"No it's not. I had no right to invade your privacy."

We sat in silence again for a few moments as I watched my breath escape into the icy air.

"Look, Vikk. You seem like a nice person that I would want to be friends with, but my past is just something that's extremely difficult for me to talk about. We could talk about anything else really, just not that."

Vikk smiled at me, "Fair enough. So I guess it's now time for me to ask the most generic question ever for people trying to become friends. What do you like to do and how old are you?"

My inner child began to shine through me as I excitedly began babbling, "I'm 24 and I absolutely love football! I never had much money as a kid, so football was always very accessible. We used to have tournaments all the time, and I even began teaching my sist...er."

My voice broke off as I spoke about my sister. Damn it. Vikk wasn't supposed to know about Sienna yet.

Vikk replied, "What a coincidence! I'm 24 and I love football too. Me and a couple other guys make football and gaming videos on YouTube all the time. That's cool that you have a sister to play football with. No one ever played with me when I was smol. (A/N: hehe he still is smol.) Is she any good?"

No. No. No. I couldn't do this. I can't talk about Sienna. My little Sienna.

I whispered, "Had a sister."

Vikk's smile broke as he looked down at his feet again and muttered, "Oh."

I'm glad he didn't press the subject on or I literally would've beat his ass.


It was Sienna's 12th birthday and I had just turned 22.

I had hoped my mother could behave for my beautiful sister's magical day. It was a lot to wish for, but things had been going so well. So, so blissfully well. Until the cake.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Sienna! Happy birthday to you!" My mum and I sang.

I remember smiling as I watched my sister's tiny dimples form on her face. If she was happy, I was happy.

"Now make a wish and blow out the candles, love." I coaxed her.

She leaned into the cake and blew as hard as she could, which caused a bit of spit to land on the cake. Shit. I knew what was about to happen.

All of a sudden a large hand slammed down onto the table.

"What the hell you little blubbering idiot?! Can't you even control yourself? Now you ruined the cake which means I CAN'T EAT IT." Mum snarled.

She struck Sienna across the face as my poor sister immediately began crying.

"Shut up. SHUT. UP. I can't STAND you and your constant weeping. You ruin everything and then you cry. How. Does. That. MAKE. SENSE?" Mum shouted, kicking and punching Sienna with every word.

I tried pulling her off of Sienna, "Mum, stop! Please behave for one day, it's her birthday!"

But all she did was turn on me and slap me across the face.

"I hate you too! Both of you are nothing but a burden in my life. SCAT, CAILIN. Your sister needs to get what she deserves."

I will never forgive myself for what I did that day. Being the cowardly twat that I was, I ran to my room. Instead of being the good, protective older sister, I let a poor 12 year old girl take the hit for me.

As I hid in my closet, I could still hear the bloodcurdling screams of my sister downstairs that still haunt me to this day.

Flashback End

"So what do you think?" Vikk asked.

"Huh?" I replied, confused.

Vikk smiled playfully at me, "Let me guess, you zoned out for my entire speech again?"

"Yup! I guess you're just a boring guy." I laughed.

"As I was saying, I really don't want you living in the streets like this by yourself. So I was thinking-"

"Excuse me, but I'm actually living in the park, not the streets." I said, cutting him off.

"Har har, you're so clever. But you know what I mean. Why don't you come live with the Sidemen at the Sidemen house?"

Sidemen? What kind of people are they? I shuddered as I imagined a teenage gang carrying weapons.

Looking at the confused look on my face, Vikk explained, "Oh right, you don't know who the Sidemen are. Basically it's a group of youtubers that me, Harry, Simon, Ethan, Tobi, JJ, and Josh are in. We make FIFA, football, and gaming videos for our viewers. It's a pretty lit life, and I want you to be part of it!"

I blankly stared at Vikk.

"Why are you doing this for me? We just met" I said bleakly.

Vikk replied, "Well you seem like an innocent little football bunny to me, and I don't want innocent little football bunnies to be freezing their cute little tails out here."

I laughed at this, "I really don't think I should come. I don't want to bother you guys since you all seem like you're going to be busy making videos and editing."

Vikk growled, "Does it look like we're the type of people to work 24/7? Actually probably, but whatever! You can help us out with our videos, because sometimes I feel like our fans are getting tired of seeing just the 7 of us! A new face will always be nice."

"It really does seem like a great offer, but-"

"No buts or asses! You're coming with me to the Sidemen house and that's that." Vikk indignantly replied.

I smirked, "Or what, you gonna kidnap me?"

Vikk just evilly grinned, "Oh Cailin, you have no idea what I'm capable of."

He quickly swung me over my shoulder, ignoring my shouts of protests. I suppose I'm going to have to go and live with these "Sidemen" afterall.

"What will they think of me?"


Two chapters in one day yeet! My eyes are killing me tho. WHATEVER. I hope you're liking the story so far, and be sure to leave a vote and some feedback. Love ya!!

- Ash

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