The signs in highschool

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Pretends not to pay attention but is. Usually the one talking with their friends. Actually knows the answers though. Really likes art class or computer class. Their work is best alone. Bullies people to assert there authority and not show emotions.

Daydreams unless they are interested in the topic. Will be your partner if you don’t have one. Most likely in drama club or interested in the arts. Friends with the loners.

The one in class who even though they don’t know the answer tries anyway. Always lifting spirits. They are great leaders and work well for group projects.

Works hard. Knows that school leads to getting a job and making a living. Does everything one way even though there are easier ways to do it. Calls out the bullies. Actually likes the food in the school cafeteria.

Picks fights with people they don’t like. Usually isn’t interested in school because they don’t know what they want to do. They want to know everything without learning. They probably if they want can be good at all subjects.

Sometimes asleep(happened to me though), awkward, shy, loners. 0 friends. Gotta be bullied. Why you bully us and call us names. Just gets by in their classes. Usually have motivation for one thing they like and that’s their calling. The kids who are very slow at taking notes.

The ones with mirrors in their lockers. Always asks to go to the bathroom in the middle of class. Actually really smart though. Like ends up being the top of the class. Likes to be at the top of the class enjoys the title. Class president, Student Council President, etc…

Smart. Literally loves school and loves learning new things. Will correct the teacher if necessary. Hates the athletic and arts part of the school. Why do their books always end up on the ground? Why cant they go to the library in study hall? Study hall is really noisy.

Tries to do everything all at once. Is really smart but actually is really lazy. Thinks they can balance school work and social life. Probably on the prom committee, in the band, in student council, language club, a athletic club. Has tons of friends who are all in the same class together. Usually they quit if something is really hard for them. Usually packs their lunches and shows it off.

Hates school and the idiots inside them. Why do they all wanna talk to me? Hates their teachers. Always gets like a point off on a test for no apparent reason. They are actually really smart. Teachers just don’t like them. Ends up doing all the work in the group project. No credit given.

Rather be in gym class. Hates boring classes. Loves to debate on topics and voice their opinion on maters. Likes classes where they can be hands on with that they are learning. Starts fights because they voiced their opinions. Will out the cheaters.

Actually likes math and science classes. They are dedicated to doing well because they don’t want to fail. They sometimes will be so focused on trying to get work done that no one sees them. They love to learn and analyze situations. Always talking about their future career or GPA

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