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Fire Agate: stimulates the sacral chakra, favorable for sexual endeavors. enhances vitality throughout the body. encourages one to think before they act; deepens capability for rational reasoning and resolution. can help eliminate destructive behaviors, and helps to realize the harm one has committed. helps mellow you out, putting out the raging fire inside an Aries that can build up. 

Bloodstone: this stone helps avoid dangerous situations and promotes courage. it enables the user to use strategic plans to make their way through life - Taurus is known for being very practical and strategic-minded, perfect for this sign. being an extremely down to earth sign, Taurus as well as the earth element in general is very present at all times; they are not very spacey individuals. this stone assists in acting in the present moment, keeping this sign even more grounded. it also helps ground the heart energy, reducing frustration, anger and impulsive behavior stemming from one’s own emotions. it reduces feelings of impatience. this stone is also perfect for the fixed sign Taurus - a sign known for being highly resistant to change - because it assists in helping one adjust to unaccustomed situations, scenarios or circumstances. this will help Taurus find comfort - which they need - in any situation they come across.  

Blue Kyanite: this stone stimulates the throat chakra; promoting self expression through verbal communication, something Gemini excels at and values highly. they are the sign of communication, after all. this stone encourages one to speak the truth, and powers through any blockages made against the throat chakra. it’s excellent for public speaking. it can fight through confusions, delusions, illusions, frustration and stress. increases capacity for learning and logical thinking. weaves the higher mind into casual conversation. this stone heals the voice and throat. 

Lepidolite: cancer is a highly emotional and sensitive sign ruled by the moon. they need stability and security/safety in their lives, and lepidolite can provide this for them by emitting feelings of high serenity and diminishes any hostility present in the user or around them. cancers can become too defensive when they feel personally attacked, they can put up metaphorical walls around themselves too. lepidolite can diminish the need for this kind of behavior. cancers notoriously hold grudges and have a hard time letting go of the past as well; this stone aids cancers in the direction of using past experiences as lessons to be learned and grow from. this stone helps emotional healing and brings back balance into one’s emotional state and life. lepidolite also brings guidance from a higher power, and can help create a oneness with spiritual matters.  

Orange Calcite: this stone stimulates the sacral and root chakras. it brings joy into one’s life, something Leo needs, they are ruled by the Sun in astrology after all - they must shine and let themselves be noticed for their positive contributions to others. this stone boosts one’s vitality and will power, and encourages energy to those that feel lethargic or dull. this stone can improve one’s natural instincts and prevent emotional impulsiveness - something fire signs may suffer from. this stone can overcome depression, removes fear, and maximizes one’s own potential, stimulating growth and stardom - something Leos dream of. 

Moss Agate: brings abundance and wealth. helps intellectual people or people living more in the mental realm have easier access to their intuitive insight and sensitivity, perfect for Virgo - a sign ruled by the most mental planet, Mercury. this stone improves self-esteem and releases fear, worry, and anxiety - all things Virgo deals with most often. inspires new ideas, projects and promotes self expression through verbal communication. can help get one out of a depressive state. Moss Agate assists midwives in their work; those of service to others - like Virgo most commonly finds themselves to be. 

Ametrine: libras tend to suffer the most out of any other sign in the zodiac from indecisiveness, the fear of making the wrong decision, the fear of looking too selfish or not making the choice that will benefit another. Ametrine is here to get rid of those blockages in the mind and encourages the user to make the divine decision with a clear mind on the right track. this crystal clears stress and confusion. it aids in harmonizing one’s thought process and actions. it aids in creativity as well - a sign ruled by Venus might benefit from. libra is the sign of relations and partnerships/relationships, and ametrine actually enhances compatibility with others as well as acceptance. this stone can help libras take control over themselves and their own life. ametrine is a combination of amethyst and citrine - two very powerful crystals. 

Labradorite: stone of power, transformation, can enhance will-power for the user. mends and weaves intuitive & intellectual thinking into one; ruling over the throat chakra, aids in empowering others and the self. uplifting and can help lead one out of the darkness in life; fights one’s fears and blockages preventing one from living joyously. prevents one’s own energy from leaking out, helping Scorpio keep their cool and private self in tact when they need it to be. can help ground spiritual energy and raises consciousness. 

Celestite: sagittarius is known as the teacher, voyager, the explorer. celestite is commonly known as the “teacher for the New Age”. this crystal sets one on a voyage for self-discovery, enlightenment, and attracts good fortune; like the sign sagittarius itself and its ruler, Jupiter, the “luckiest planet/sign in the zodiac world”. sagittarius’ might experience difficulty in relationships because of their permanent wanderlust, this crystal can soothe relationship dysfunction by miraculously sending the user down all the answers they need, by also stimulating spiritual and guide contact. this crystal brings inner peace and calms restlessness of the soul while also urging openness to new experiences. celestite cools firey emotions too, and sagittarius is a fire sign after all. this crystal sharpens the mind, improves the intellect and aids in analysis of complex ideas. promotes mental balance between intuition, intellect and instinct - fire signs summed up. 

Anhydrite: this crystal helps bring structure, support and strength physically. capricorn and the earth signs rule the physical realm and all things that are tangible; this crystal aids in feeling protected and guided to their highest purpose. this crystal can also help fearful capricorns - capricorns tend to suffer more in silence - that are afraid of death, the afterlife, etc. it can help people that have trouble coming to terms with troubling things, help relieve and promote calmness in one’s life involving grudges, lies, daily life troubles, etc. it helps bring acceptance in one’s life and for what tomorrow may bring - and we all know capricorn is always concerned about how their actions today impact tomorrow and their future overall. 

Fluorite: aquarius is a very futuristic sign, one that is known for being very ahead of its time - associated with technology as well. fluorite is effective against electromagnetic stress, and blocks geopathic stress. the stone is associated with progressiveness, just like aquarius is. however, aquarius is a fixed sign - sometimes too stubborn in what they think or believe, luckily fluorite is an aid that can dissolve fixed behavioral patterns, it brings suppressed feelings to surface - being an air sign, aquarius can intellectualize their own emotions and suppress their feelings. fluorite can help immensely. air signs love to learn and take in new information, and fluorite organizes information coming in to be processed, it aids in concentration and helps weave what has already been learned to what is currently being learned. it can promote quick thinking as well - and we all know aquarius is known for their lightning bolt ideas and thoughts. this stone can help aquarius look at the bigger picture and not get so caught up in one thing. it aids acceptance, open-mindedness and dissolves illusions. 

Angelite: this stone is formed from celestite; which I applied to the sign sagittarius. I believe these two signs are linked, mostly because jupiter also co-rules pisces; filling it with the faithfulness this sign is known for having. angelite helps us be more compassionate, speak our truth, and accept the things that cannot be changed. this stone gives off a strong feeling of tranquility, and is used by many healers because of its ability to enter spiritual realms and allow spiritual contacts to come down to the user. pisces is a very spiritual sign and this will give them a better sense of purpose and self overall. this stone helps understand more complex and logical facts. this stone helps us stay in the reality we know presently while entering other versions of reality. 

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