Confessing My Feelings Towards You

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Hikaru's POV

"Kaoru....why are you at Haruka's house?." I asked him as I keep calm. "I'm just visiting big bro." He said when he smiled at me and played with his fingers.

"Did something happen?!!!". "Calm down Hikaru nothing happened, really!"

"Are you sure?! I order you to tell the truth!" I shouted at him. "Okay Okay Fine Geez. So..uh...I kiss Haruka 2 times and the first one when we are at her bed and I sort of my tongue played in Haruka's mouth, I DONT KNOW WHAT CAME OVER ME! And second when we fall down in the floor, I kissed her again". He tried to look away.

"So...your in love with Haruka....huh?" I asked while looking down. "Same as you Hikaru, are you in love with her?" He asked while looking at me seriously.

"Alright fine! I guess I fall in love with Haruka for the first time I met her!" We both said the same thing.

"Hikaru how about this, lets invite Haruka to our house tomorrow and confess our feelings towards her." "Okay fine."


I woke up and then I wake up Kaoru. We both get ready for school. After we arrived we saw Haruka.

"Haruka, come over at our house tonight." We both said and she nodded.

Haruka's POV

Hmmm...why did the Twins invite me over their house....maybe because... those two are gonna confess their feeling towards me? Who knows? But that is just my opinion.

"Uhm...are you guys gonna pick me up?" I shrugged. "Yeah at 4 pm." Hikaru said.


I wore the dress that twins buy for me and waited them to pick me up, and a text message appear on my phone, and it's Kaoru,

Kaoru: Hey, we are here.
Me: okay be right there.

I rushed down stairs, opened the door and arrived at the twins' house. Hikaru and Kaoru escorted me and I smell their perfume and damn it was so good.

They led me to the same room, when we studied. And then we sit. "So did you know what's this about?" Hikaru said acting all serious-like.

"Your confessing you two's feelings towards me aren't you?" I said as I crossed my arms. "I got to go the cr excuse me." Hikaru quickly rushed out the door.

"I guess he's in love you." Kaoru laugh. "Really he's in love with me?". I blush.

"Yeah but maybe someone else loves you too." He looked away. "Who?" I asked curiously. Then, he scooch getting near me. "I don't know...maybe me."

"Aww really? The guys I fall in love too actually they fall in love with me too.," I smiled at him. "Wait y-you love us?" He blush. "Of course Kaoru now stay here i will just go check on your brother."

When I was walking away, Kaoru grabbed my wrist quickly and kissed me. We both blushed. I smiled at him and continue to walk to the cr.

I knock at the bathroom door, "Hey Hikaru are you there?". He didn't answer and I opened the door and there he was feeling lonely. "I heard your in love with me." I whispered in he's ears.

"I-i d-do". He said while blushing and looking away. "Well your not the only one who's in love.." I said while looking down. "Um..who's in love?.." he asked.

I grabbed he's collar and kissed him and then he felt shocked and kiss back then I broke the kiss and said, "me I'm in love with you." He is in completely shocked and blushed.

And then he kissed me too and I broke the kiss. "Let's go back." As we go back Kaoru is in there waiting for us.

"Hey Guys, can you drop me at home, I'm feeling tired.," They both nodded and dropped me at home.

They escorted me on my way out. Before I could say goodbye, the Twins kissed me on the lips and I blush of course I kiss the two of them to."Well goodbye Hikaru and Kaoru see ya tomorrow!"

I waved at them and they waved back. I lay down at my bed and think something.

I both love Hikaru and Kaoru...if im gonna choose I don't know who's I'm going to choose. It either I love the most, I love Hikaru or Kaoru the most?

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