Falling [12]

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     The once lonely room I sat in, wasn't so dry anymore. His presence instantly made my souls windows see things differently making me smile. We laid on the hospital bed tangled in each others arms. All I wanted was to go home with him and see everyone. I missed them all so much, but I didn't know if Lip had told them about my love for poison.

"Do they know?", I asked looking at our feet as he rubbed my head gently.

"Yes.", he said in a whisper. I knew he was drifting asleep, so I hid my face in his chest. His heart beat soothed mine making fall into a sleep along with his.

     We walked on the side walk with him carrying my bag, we came up to a trash can and we froze in font of it. He glanced over at me pulling the bag off of his back and pulling my case out. My heart beat rapidly.

"Can you do this?", he said hoping id say yes. I shook my head fast then took itfrom his hands and held it close. He sighed and wrapped his arms around me kissing my forehead.

"Im sorry", I whispered starting to cry.

"Boe your strong, you can beat this ok."

     I nodded taking a deep breathe handing the case back to him. His hands took it softly and dropped it in the trash. My eyes flooded with tears when it dropped, but i wipped my eyes with a couple nods.

"I can do this.", I said sniffling. He wrapped his hand around mine and we smiled at eachother before walking once agin. After about an hour of walking we made it back to the Gallagher recidence. He opened the door havig me walk in behind him. The smell of home made me feel the missed feeling of comfort. Carl, Debbie, and Liam sat on the couch watching Tv. Lip walked past them into the kitchen and hugged Fiona. He looked back at me as I stood akwardly, then said something to Fiona sending her into tears. I took a deep breathe feeling the comfort fall to my toes having the fear and discomfort take over. Carl looked back at me with a suprised look then back at Fiona. When I looked up Fiona was infront of me crying, she held her arms out and pulled me into a hug leading me to cry squeezing her back.

"Whats going on?", Debbie asked looking back at us.

"Go upstairs you two.", Lip said walking back into the room with two beers in his hand. Carl  sighed turning the TV off and walked upstairs with Debbine following not to far behind. Fiona pulled away to look at me and she smiled.

"We missed ya.", she said moving my hair out of my face.

"I missed you guys too."

We moved over and sat on the couch, Lip handed me a beer and I took a long drink as I leaned back.

Fiona took a long breathe before speaking agin, "Heroine huh?". I nodded moving the drink to my lap. The look of guilt plastered my face.

"How long?"

"Since I was fourteen.", I mumbled.

"Wow, five years. W-where is it now Boe?",  she asked hesitantly.

"I threw it away.", Lip said moving his hand to mine giving it a squeeze making me feel more safe.

Fiona nodded wiping tears from her eyes, "Whatd your parents have to say?"

     I pulled out a peice of paper out of my pocket, she unfolded it seeing it was the restrainng order. Shock made her jaw drop making her hand cover her mouth, "Oh my- Boe. Im so sorry." I shrugged taking another drink. Lip sat up kissing me before he walked into the kitchen. I instantly know he left because he was crying so I followed him, when I turned the corner he was leaning aginst the counter with his arms crossed looking at the ground. Sniffling he looked over at me with his bright blue irritated eyes. I walked over and we wrapped our arms around eachother. Time froze feeling our two hearts fill with love for one another.

S P I L T ° Phillip GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now