An Ominous Forest

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The day was cloudy, not a ray of sunshine passed through the thick wall of grey. Anna looked outside, and saw as the clouds began to excrete their fluids upon the Earth's surface. Her eyes wandered towards the ominous lush forest in the distance, behind her house. For some reason, she had been having this unnatural urge to wander into it, and lose herself to nature around her. Never, that forest is way to creepy! She would think to herself, but yet her human curiosity would get the better of her. Anna was an ordinary girl, she was not special. There was nothing fetching, or remotely interesting about her. She was one of those "weird", or "crazy" kids at school. A typical day for her would be her aimlessly wandering around her imaginative realm, reality was just to plain and harsh. The tree's, they're so green. I want to walk into the forest, and not return...

"Anna! Come and help set up dinner"

Her mom snapped her out of her hypnotic trance. What the heck? What was I thinking! Running downstairs, Anna approached the kitchen area with caution. Her mom was a vicious hungry tiger when it came to setting up dinner, everything must be perfect and orderly. Peering into the battle zone, Anna's mother was carrying a large chicken towards the dinning room. It was as almost as if she had sniffed Anna out, because she immediately swiveled her head towards Anna's direction.

"Anna come out from behind the door and help, jeez your eighteen already have some sense of responsibility!"

OK, just play things carefully and you will survive. Walking in, she hesitantly took two steps towards the plate of mashed potatoes. Extending her hands, she grabbed ahold of the handles. Carefully, she began to approach the dinning room. But then from the corner of her eye in the direction of the oh so ominous forest, she saw something. Turning her head to get a better look, she could make out the shape of a man, or at least a very large headed man in a suit. Her hands let go of the tray and down the potatoes went in a dramatic fashion. There was a loud crash, accompanied by the screams of Anna's mother.

"Anna, what the hell! Why did you drop the potatoes, dammit! Clean this up now!"

Blinking her eyes, and turning to face her mom, Anna forgot everything she had seen. Looking down towards her feet, she saw the mushy puddle of lifeless potatoes sprawled across the floor.

"Sorry mom, I was just, well I don't really remember... But I'll clean this up right now"

Her mom took in two deep breaths, and placed her finger on her head. Rubbing her temple.

"It's fine, sorry I snapped, but you really do need to pay more attention."

Walking towards the kitchen, Anna couldn't help but feel she had forgotten something, something quite possibly important. But after all important stuff never happened to unimportant girls was what Anna thought, and she quickly shrugged off the feeling.

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