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The T.A.R.D.I.S came to a halt, and The Doctor waltzed into the room with a flower necklace and sunshades.

"Were are you going?" Anna asked, intrigued by what The Doctor was wearing.

"Out, want to join?" He asked "It's going to be great, I believe we have landed on Terra Solis, a place of eternal warmth and sunshine. A good vacation place, there is always a long list of people waiting to come to this happy planet."

At this point Anna was up, and following The Doctor. He reached out and grasped the doorknob, pausing.

"You ready?"

Anna shrugged, "I guess so." Happy, sunny, and warm? This sounds like fun.

Opening the door with one great push, The Doctor marched outside.

"Welcome, to the sunniest" The Doctor looked up at the ominous grey clouds that swarmed the planet, "the.. universe."

Thunder crackled, and soon rain began to pour down unto the extraterrestrial planet.

"Maybe we came in the wrong season?" Anna suggested.

The Doctor shook his head, a look of concern spread across his face, "something is terribly wrong, it's always sunny here, always." He looked away, and stared off into the distance, "let's go."

They walked out into the open, unprotected (unless you consider the sonic a weapon, which no one did, not even Anna). A droplet of water came down, giving way to the rest of it's followers. No one had said a word, the Doctor just walked on his hand holding Anna's. A blush crept up her face, and she immediately pulled away. It was awkward between them, as they walked.

"Where are we going?"

The Doctor stoped and turned to face Anna.

"The center."

Turning back, he continued walking. His back was well shaped, and his shoulder held the weight of many problems. All of which Anna could pick up on. Lost in thought, Anna didn't notice he had stopped walking, and smacked right into him.

"What the heck?!"

Before them stood a eerie dark looking building. It was tall, taller than any building on Earth. Half trampled flowers decorated the pathway towards the entrance. Broken glass spread across the floor, everything was untouched.

"Let's go in" The Doctor said as he grasped Anna's hand pulling her towards the door way.

Anna twisted her hand out off The Doctor's grip. There is no way I'm going in there.

"Anna, come one. If any one is in there, they might be in need of assistance."

Anna shook her head.

"No way! No way am I going to go in there, it's too creepy looking. Let's just go back to the T.A.R.D.I.S and leave."

The Doctor looked at Anna with anger, and his words expressed this emotion clearly.

"Anna, four point five billion people live in this planet. How can you be so selfish!"

Staring into The Doctors eyes, Anna was frightened. How could a man have such anger hidden deep within him. At this moment in time, right now, The Doctor scared Anna. She feared him, she feared him in a way she has never felt before. It was pure terror.

"Tcht, you humans are all the same, always thinking about them self's first, never thinking of others. Fine, don't come in, just go back to the T.A.R.D.I.S and wait for me!" The Doctor pointed at the horizon.

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