Author's Note

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This authors note is dedicated to all my silent readers would😇 just read and do not spend time on click in that small Shining Star to show their presents and to motivate me.

First of all I want to thank my friends😄😄 who always vote and comment me there views about my story which actually help me in creating it more and more interesting.

I want to thank pretch909 LakshRaghav Garryrobertson245 Parul2903 😊😊crizashley3021 ramanath6(by the way he's my new reader😜 he is a very good hearted man and is very cheerful) AslanRahul and yes sometimes meganjones333.😊

This you set of people are very very encouraging, Let me tell My SR ( Silent readers) I just want to say you all that my silent readers can you see the small stuff right below there?
Yep that's a star it is said that when you just push the button you show that you have like the person story and after you do that you have been costed to pay $1,000 I guess yes because if this star costs this much I think my friend Gary, pretch, Raghav, Criza and else are very rich.😇

Isn't it? now let me tell you something my dear readers😁 that small little button never cost anything .The thing is that after you press the button we get a notification which just do not show that my story is the best one.But its shows I don't know whether you can see or not, feelings of yours towards the book and Author☺.Its like an appreciation for us which shouts out in our brain saying you need to make much more interesting chapters just to keep few readers happy. 

I just want to end my authors note by saying if you want to support me press that star button below,  but if you don't you have got the right to tell me. You know sometimes it feels discouraging😣 when you see a lot number of people reading your book without supporting you ,if you are a writer you you will feel the same  what I am feeling right now and Thanks to all my friends😁 who always voted me, supported me and I'll always be there whenever you need me😇 thanks a lot.

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