Chapter 2

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I have changed the character Jess's name to Sarah. If you are reading this and thinking i don't know a Jess it's because i have changed it.

Just another thing you should know about me i am constantly changing my mind so there might be more changes to come.


“Ahhhh.” I screamed, running up to my best friend. Who was already stood on the platform. As soon as she heard my scream she turned and spread her arms out so I could run into them.

Okay that’s slightly cheesy we probably looked stupid but who cares? We haven’t seen each other for a month due to me been on holiday for two weeks then as soon as I got back she went on holiday.

“How was your holiday?” I asked pulling away from her.

“It was good. I’ll tell you all about it later but first I want to know all about college.”

“Yesterday was hell.”

“Oh why?”

“Well seen as you left me yesterday. Very kind of you by the way.” Sorry she muttered. “I was left on my own, let’s just say they were the friendly bunch I have ever met.”

“No one spoke to you did they?” She asked knowing me too well and when I was been sarcastic.

“Nope.” She just laughed at me. “Actually I tell a lie someone did speak to me and he was quite cute. You wouldn’t like him though.” Me and Olivia don’t have the same taste in men.

In fact find anything that me and Olivia have in common is hard. We have completely different taste in clothes. She wears a lot of black (it’s always a shock to see her wear something colourful.) and band t-shirts. Which moves me onto our taste in music. She is into all them cheesy American bands as whereas I am more into chart.

When it comes to boys then she is into the ones with long hair, if its red then even better. Pull off the indie/rocker look. If they have tattoos and play guitar then she is instantly all over them. I am more into pretty boys..

We have come to an agreement if one of us like something then the other one of us wont. To be honest I’m not quite sure why we are friends we have absolutely nothing in common, we get into so many arguments in a day I lose count and 99% of the time she gets on my nerves. But I couldn’t imagine her not been there.

“Pretty boy?” I just nod my head.

“If I see him round college I will point him out to you.”

“So you’re not actually friends?”

“Well I don’t know. I got lost so he offered to help me out. It turned out he was in the same class as me but we got separated. I never got chance to speak to him after that and he seemed to be making friends with other people just fine and he’s good looking and not going to want to be friends with me. So no, were not friends.”

“His loss.”

“Yeah but he was good looking.”

“And so are you.”

“Aren’t you sweet. Thanks but no I’m not.” Before either of us could say anything else on the matter the train pulled up. We thought our way through the rush hour traffic and managed to locate a seat.

“So tell me all about your holiday. What did you get up to?”

“Sunbathed by the pool or beach. Went out, got drunk came home in the early hours of the morning, slept. Then repeated it all over again. Yours?”

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