13. (unlucky or lucky?)

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Alfonzo: hey guys!

Cinnamonbun: Alfie!!!

Pinkpug: are you out of hospital!?

Alfonzo: yup!

Suggy: welcome back Alf!

Rainbowsprinkles: thank goodness you're back!!!

Pizzaboy: when did you get out of hospital?

Butbut: yesterday night

Tallbean: glad your better!

Alfonzo: my doctor said I'm all good for Niagara!!

Cinnamonbun: yay!!!!

Rainbowsprinkles: seems like your luck is getting higher

Tallbean: the best part of hitting rock bottom is that there is only one direction you can go, up!

Pinkpug: deep but works!

Pizzaboy: are you two ok now then?

Suggy: and all the pictures!

Alfonzo: yup! I replaced all the photos this morning!

Cinnamonbun: glad to know you all happy again!

Rainbowsprinkles: and that Niagara is in a few weeks!

Tallbean: Phil has the weirdest brain!!

Rainbowsprinkles: we already knew that!!!

Suggy: why!?

Cinnamonbun: :)

Tallbean: he has made me, him and faye dress in totoro onesies!

Pizzaboy: ha!

Butbut: for what reason!?!

Alfonzo: can we see???

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Pizzaboy: that's actually amazing!!

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Pizzaboy: that's actually amazing!!

Rainbowsprinkles: Faye looks so confused!!!

Alfonzo: I would be if someone put me in a totoro onesie!!

Cinnamonbun: She's laughing at Dan because he has his hood up!

Butbut: awww!!!!!!


Rainbowsprinkles: I'm soooooooo excited!!!!


Pinkpug: I can't believe this is happening!!

Tallbean: see you in Niagara!!

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