Alfonzo: I know that it's in like 3 years but can we work out what we're doing for Niagara because I really want to see you guys
Rainbowsprinkles: yer we should start properly thinking about it at least
Tallbean: Well if we maybe meet at the airport then get the flight together
Butbut: yer I was thinking that
Suggy: how long are we staying there
Pinkpug: I'm thinking like 1 or 2 weeks
Pizzaboy: what about 1 week 2 days to give us time to do stuff but not get fed up of each other!
Alfonzo: yer
Cinnamonbun: yer!
Tallbean: when abouts are we going to go
Pizzaboy: mine and Joe anniversary is May 15th
Butbut: maybe we could do 12th till 21st
Pinkpug: yer
Tallbean: that's good with me
Suggy: does anyone have jobs here
Pinkpug: I do
Cinnamonbun: me
Tallbean: I do
Pizzaboy: yup
Butbut: yer I do too
Alfonzo: so everyone expect me Louise and Joe?
Cinnamonbun: I think so
Rainbowsprinkles: yup!
Suggy: you guys recon you can get off work for a week and 2 days???
Tallbean: mine and Phils boss is really nice so I recon we'll be able to get off
Pinkpug: I'm let off all the time so me almost definitely!
Butbut: what do you guys do for work?
Pizzaboy: I work in primark which is all right!
Pinkpug: I'm a beauty worker so I help design make up products and help improve places like The Body Shop!
Tallbean: I work in our local Tesco!
Cinnamonbun: same job as Dan!
Butbut: I work in a small cafe
Alfonzo: we better get saving up then guys!
Group Chat - Phan/Jaspar/Zouise/Marfie
FanficFilled with drama, love and hope to carry on, Group Chat tells the story of 4 couples who met at the click of a button. Read as their personalities shines though and they help each other explore difficult times. Arguments, injuries and disappearance...