20. About Semester Break

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Mia peacefully sat at the library, not even reading and just staring at the wall, while waiting for Carter to meet her. She didn't feel like reading or doing anything that day thanks to the headache she was having. She woke up startled because she was late for class, so Mia skipped breakfast and head out.

Carter's class ends an hour after hers, and Mia couldn't handle her hunger so she ended up having lunch without waiting for him. Carter felt a little left out, but he happened to have a discussion to do with his friends and asked Mia to wait for him at their usual spot.

"Hey," Carter spun her chair around so she would face him as he took a seat beside her. Mia smiled at him while he sighed softly, "Come here."

Mia leaned into his embrace and wrapped her arms around him as he hugged her tightly. She hummed softly as he pressed his lips on her temple. "Why are you being so nice?" She asked.

"I have a test coming up, so I needed recharge," Carter told her. He took off his bag and sat down.

"You do realize we could meet up somewhere else, right? Somewhere we can talk without whispering?"

"I know, but I refuse to meet with you somewhere else because I know you're going to distract me," Carter pointed out, "Don't make me remind you that you tried to seduce me everytime we go out. Libraries are the only place you act decent."

"That's not true!"

"It is. I mean, where else?"

"The church," Mia said jokingly and Carter rolled his eyes. "Come on. Let's go sleep at the dorm. Hazel has a full day of classes today, plus she wouldn't even question you being there."

"I don't trust us being alone in enclosed spaces," Carter scoffed.

"But I'm serious, I really have a headache. The moment I hit the bed I'll just..." She shut her eyes and rested her head on her hands, "Like that. I swear."

"Huh," he grasped onto his bag, "Fine, but only because you have a headache."

"You're such a nerd," Mia scoffed, "You can go to your room and rest if you don't trust me."

"I'll walk you to your room first," Carter fastened his pace just to get the door before she does and hold it open for her. They left the library and head to the dorm.

"Semester break is coming up," Mia said as Carter threw an arm around her shoulder. "Do you have plans?"

"I'll tell you once I have one," Carter replied. "Let me get done with this test, and then we'll figure something out for semester break."


"Why, you have plans with someone else?" He frowned

"No," Mia grinned excitedly, "It's great knowing I get to be a part of someone's plan."

Carter glanced at her, "I don't even want to ask what you'd done the past semester breaks. I kinda get the gist of it."

"I do part time jobs," Mia shrugged, "Then party all night. That's all."

"You don't sleep?"

"Sleep comes after the part when I party all night."

"With someone."

"Not just anyone," Mia corrected, "Someone I trust. And not all the time."

"Just to be clear, Mia, you're mine now," Carter pointed out, "If you're sleeping with anyone, it better be me."

"You don't have to remind me, I'm aware of that," Mia nodded. She pondered as they got closer to the dorm, "I'm more interested in your library, though."

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