31. Childhood

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As soon as Mia arrived home, she dropped everything she was holding and called the ambulance after finding Dan unconscious in the living room sofa. He had to be rushed to the hospital right then and Mia soon found out that he had alcohol poisoning and if had she discovered him a little later, they might lost Dan forever. He slipped into coma and had to be warded while Mia found herself in what could possibly be the lowest point of her life.

She came home and finally noticed the alcohol bottles scattered all over the place. Mia stood at the door for a while. It reminded her of their past, except that she was taller, older, and wiser. Mia didn't know where to begin, so she picked up her bag first. She plugged her phone to the charger and switched it on, just in case the hospital tried to reach out.

Mia tied her hair up into a bun and started off by tossing out the wheelchair their father used to sit on all day while verbally abusing them. She collected the bottles and cans and tossed them into the recycling bin. Then spring cleaning begun. By the time she was done, she heard the birds chirping and cars passing by as people leave for work or school. She stood at the door while sipping on her iced coffee, staring at the humans going about their own business.

"This isn't bad, Mia. You can get used to this," she whispered to herself, slowly starting to daydream about living the rest of her life there. But the second she turned around and looked into the house, she changed her mind. "Yeah, maybe after renovations."

She walked into the bathroom and took a shower in a place cleaner than prior to her arrival. She spotted a letter on the mirror, stuck using a band-aid. "Ew," Mia sighed softly, but she shrugged after realizing it was not a used band-aid. She read the letter and realized it was from their mother.

Dear Daniel,

You will always be my baby. I'm sorry for not being able to give you the life I promised before you were born. I know this is a scary place for both you and Mia, and I am sorry that we couldn't leave soon enough than your own decision. Know that I don't hate you for leaving. I am proud of you, always, for being a brave and kind child. I wish I can see you again before I pass away, but I feel at ease knowing you're far away from home and probably safer than you will ever be at this house. I don't despise you for anything, Danny. If you happen to find this letter, just know that I am at peace and I will always pray for you and Mia.

I love you,

Mia stared blankly at the letter. For a moment right there, she was almost convinced that their mother loved Dan the most. She lowered her gaze and found a blue envelope on the soap dish. It reminded her of the card she found with her mother's gift back when she went out with Carter for the first time. Mia walked out and checked her purse, remembering that she had slipped the card into it.

She took out the card out of its envelope and scoffed as she read the note: "I love you, you cruel baby bitch."

It was the simplest note, but it pretty much summed up their love-hate relationship. It would have been funnier had she found it earlier, but now she can't even laugh about it. Towards the end and before their big fight which caused Mia to leave home, they had several conversations and it usually revolved around her advising Mia to marry rich. 'Even if the guy is the ugliest guy with the shittiest personality, marry him if he's rich' was what she would constantly remind Mia.

The simplest note, just like the simplest thing that ended her relationship, made Mia cry in the shower.

Then she sat in her room, watching as kids started to come home from school. Watching her neighbors get along. She couldn't sleep yet - and iced coffee was definitely not the only bad decision she made. Mia didn't realize she fell asleep on the desk until she was awakened by a phone call from the hospital, telling her that Dan was moved to a normal ward and regained consciousness. As she was leaving, she also got a text saying her paycheck had came through.

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