Genesis 3:1-3:24

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The Fall

3 Now the 🐍serpent🐍 was more crafty than any of the 🐬🐟🦈🐙🐨🐼🐺🦊🦁🐯wild🦀🐍🐧🦌🐘 🦏🐿️🦅🦑🐊animals🐌🦂🦇🐻🐅🐆🐒🦍🐳🐋 the Lord God had ⛏️⚒️made🛠️🔨. He🐍 said🗣️ to2️⃣ the woman👩, "Did God really say🗣️, 'You must ❎not❎ eat from any 🌲🌳tree🌴🌵 in the 💐🌸🌵🌾🌿💮🏵️🌹🥀🌺garden🌻🌼🌷🌱🌲☘️🍀🍁🌳🌴'❓"

2 The woman👩 said🗣️ to2️⃣ the serpent🐍, "We👥 may eat 🍇🍈🍉🍊🍋🍌🍍fruit🍎🍏🍐🍑🍒🍓🥝 from the 🌲🌳trees🌴🌵 in the 💐🌸🌵🌾🌿💮🏵️🌹🥀🌺garden🌻🌼🌷🌱🌲☘️🍀🍁🌳🌴, 3 but God did say🗣️, 'You must ❎not❎ eat 🍇🍈🍉🍊🍋🍌🍍fruit🍎🍏🍐🍑🍒🍓🥝 from the 🌲🌳tree🌴🌵 that is in the middle🔘 of the 💐🌸🌵🌾🌿💮🏵️🌹🥀🌺garden🌻🌼🌷🌱🌲☘️🍀🍁🌳🌴, and you must ❎not❎ touch👇 it, or you will die💀.'"

4 "You will ❎not❎ certainly die💀," the serpent🐍 said🗣️ to2️⃣ the woman👩. 5 "For God knows🎓 that when you eat from it your eyes👀 will be🐝 opened, and you will be🐝 like God, knowing🎓 good😇👍 and evil😈👎."

6 When the woman👩 saw👁️ that the 🍇🍈🍉🍊🍋🍌🍍fruit🍎🍏🍐🍑🍒🍓🥝 of the 🌲🌳tree🌴🌵 was good👍👌👌 for4️⃣ 🍉🥕🌶️🍄🥒🥜🍗🍞🥖🍟🥞🧀🌭🌮🥙🥚food🥘🍲🥗🍿🍱🍘🍛🍜🍝🍡🍦🍢🍨🍣🍩🎂🍪🍰☕🥛🍺🍬🍮🥃🍶 and pleasing😍 to2️⃣ the eye👀, and also desirable😍 for4️⃣ gaining wisdom🎓, she👩 took some and ate it. She👩 also gave some to2️⃣ her husband👨, who was with her👩, and he👨 ate it. 7 Then the eyes👀 of both👥 of them👥 were opened, and they👥 realized they👥 were naked; so they👥 sewed fig leaves🌿 together and ⛏️⚒️made🛠️🔨 coverings for4️⃣ themselves.

8 Then the man👨 and his wife👩 heard👂 the sound🔊 of the Lord God as he was walking🚶 in the 💐🌸🌵🌾🌿💮🏵️🌹🥀🌺garden🌻🌼🌷🌱🌲☘️🍀🍁🌳🌴 in the cool❄️ of the ☀️day☀️, and they👥 hid from the Lord God among the 🌲🌳trees🌴🌵 of the 💐🌸🌵🌾🌿💮🏵️🌹🥀🌺garden🌻🌼🌷🌱🌲☘️🍀🍁🌳🌴. 9 But the Lord God called📞 to2️⃣ the man👨, "Where are you❓"

10 He👨 answered🗣️, "I heard👂 you in the 💐🌸🌵🌾🌿💮🏵️🌹🥀🌺garden🌻🌼🌷🌱🌲☘️🍀🍁🌳🌴, and I was afraid😱 because I was naked; so I hid."

11 And he said🗣️, "Who told🗣️ you that you were naked❓ Have you eaten from the 🌲🌳tree🌴🌵 that I commanded🗣️ you ❎not❎ to2️⃣ eat from❓"

12 The man👨 said🗣️, "The woman👩 you put here with me - she👩 gave me some 🍇🍈🍉🍊🍋🍌🍍fruit🍎🍏🍐🍑🍒🍓🥝 from the 🌲🌳tree🌴🌵, and I ate it."

13 Then the Lord God said🗣️ to2️⃣ the woman👩, "What is this you have done❓"

The woman👩 said🗣️, "The serpent🐍 deceived me, and I ate."

14 So the Lord God said🗣️ to2️⃣ the serpent🐍, "Because you have done this,

"Cursed💫 are you above all 🐮🐄🐷🐖🐗🐪🐫livestock🐏🐑🐔🐓🐣🐤🐥
and all 🐬🐟🦈🐙🐨🐼🐺🦊🦁🐯wild🦀🐍🐧🦌🐘 🦏🐿️🦅🦑🐊animals🐌🦂🦇🐻🐅🐆🐒🦍🐳🐋❗
You will crawl on your belly
and you will eat dust
all the days📆 of your life.
15 And I will put enmity😤
between you👨 and the woman👩,
and between your offspring👶👦👧 and hers;
he👨 will crush your head👩,
and you👩 will strike his👨 heel."

16 To the woman👩 he said🗣️,

"I will make your pains💊 in childbearing👶 very severe😥;
with painful😥😥 labor you will give birth to2️⃣ children👶.
Your desire😍 will be🐝 for4️⃣ your husband👨,
and he👨 will rule🤴👑 over you."

17 To Adam👨 he said🗣️, "Because you👨 listened👂 to2️⃣ your wife👩 and ate 🍇🍈🍉🍊🍋🍌🍍fruit🍎🍏🍐🍑🍒🍓🥝 from the 🌲🌳tree🌴🌵 about which I commanded🗣️ you, 'You must ❎not❎ eat from it,'

"Cursed💫 is the 🐴🐎ground🐪🐫 because of you;
through painful💊 toil⛏️ you will eat 🍉🥕🌶️🍄🥒🥜🍗🍞🥖🍟🥞🧀🌭🌮🥙🥚food🥘🍲🥗🍿🍱🍘🍛🍜🍝🍡🍦🍢🍨🍣🍩🎂🍪🍰☕🥛🍺🍬🍮🥃🍶 from it
all the days📆 of your life.
18 It will produce thorns🥀 and 🥀 for4️⃣ you,
and you will eat the plants🌱 of the field.
19 By the sweat😌 of your brow
you will eat your 🍉🥕🌶️🍄🥒🥜🍗🍞🥖🍟🥞🧀🌭🌮🥙🥚food🥘🍲🥗🍿🍱🍘🍛🍜🍝🍡🍦🍢🍨🍣🍩🎂🍪🍰☕🥛🍺🍬🍮🥃🍶
until you return to the🐴🐎 ground🐪🐫,
since from it you were taken;
for dust🌪️ you are
and to dust🌪️ you will return."

20 Adam👨 named his wife Eve👩, because she👩 would become the mother🤰 of all the living.

21 The Lord God ⛏️⚒️made🛠️🔨 garments👕👖👗 of skin for Adam👨 and his wife👩 and clothed👘👙👚👞👟👠👢👡👒🎩🎓 them. 22 And the Lord God said🗣️, "The man👨 has now become like one1️⃣ of us, knowing🎓 good😇👍 and evil😈👎. He must ❎not❎ be🐝 🚫allowed🚫 to2️⃣ reach out his hand🖐️ and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live 4️⃣forever." 23 So the Lord God 🚫banished🚫 him from the 💐🌸🌵🌾🌿💮🏵️🌹🥀🌺Garden of Eden🌻🌼🌷🌱🌲☘️🍀🍁🌳🌴 to2️⃣ work the 🐴🐎ground🐪🐫 from which he had been taken. 24 After he drove🚗🚘 the man👨 out, he placed on the east➡️ side of the 💐🌸🌵🌾🌿💮🏵️🌹🥀🌺Garden of Eden🌻🌼🌷🌱🌲☘️🍀🍁🌳🌴 cherubim and a🅰️ 🔥flaming🔥 sword🗡️ ⚡flashing⚡ back and forth to2️⃣ ⚔️guard⚔️ the way to2️⃣ the tree🌳 of life.

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