**10K and beyond** THANK YOU!

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Hey everyone! There is so much I would like to say right now.

First, thank you so, so much. I cannot thank everyone enough. I never imagined that this book would reach the heights that it has so far and I want all of you to know that I am so very grateful.

I decided to write this book because, not only do I love Tom Holland, The Spiderman Franchise, and everything Marvel, but I believe very strongly in representation. There aren't many books that can apply to Black women and women of color, so I wanted to be one of the few to do something about it.

I am more than willing to write for other ethnic backgrounds, just tell me what and who.

I never thought this many people would read it and tell me that they want additional parts or that they love my writing! It's crazy that something I'm not even that great at can bring others happiness and entertainment.

Second, I am sorry for not updating like I should. Right now, college searching and scheduling tours is taking up so much of my time that I have totally neglected you guys. Please forgive me. I promise that I will try my best and that I will be posting sequels and third parts for several of the stories.

Thank you and I hope you continue to enjoy! ❤️

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