August 7th, 1942
Today I did not wake up, for I never went to sleep. The scene 2 days ago replayed in my head over and over. I couldn't stop it. Those poor people.I am being haunted by the sight and I think ita asking me go crazy. I've begun having very bad headaches, but I haven't told the kids. There's enough stress on their plates already with out them thinking I'm crazy. I don't think this is going to end. We're going to be stuck here forever. It already feels like we've began forever. To minimize boardum, I have started a pass-time. I unravel a yarn ball, and then roll it back up!! If and when that fails I know how to knit so...if all else fails. I've began to hate silence as well. I'm a musical person. Without music my life feels bland, colorless....emotionless.
My Days In Hiding
HistoryczneA story about a young girl that lived during the holocaust.