3 | Triggered

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"Where am I...?" I asked, still confused. All I could see was a blur, I made it out to be Nick, as he squeezed me tightly.
"You're okay," He said happily, letting go of me before I realized he was holding me. Too late!
"The doctor will arrive here shortly," He spoke in a rather firm voice. I positioned my eyes to stare at him and blinked a few times just to reassure myself that this was real.

A few minutes had gone by, and the doctor arrived. I was sitting upright at the moment. He asked me general questions about my health - and everything had turned out to be okay. Then he drew my blood to take for some tests, just to make sure I was 100% fine.

"Am I going to be okay?" I asked. The doctor didn't say a word and walked away. I rolled my eyes in frustration. Nick came to me.

"All he recommends is rest. Plenty and plenty of rest." Nick muttered as he took a puff of his cigarette.

"I don't understand," I complained. "Why isn't he telling me anything?"

Nick sighed as he placed his cigarette in the ashtray.

"You are very stubborn, Scarlett," He stared at me, whilst crossing his arms in disappointment.

"How am I stubborn?" I argued. "I just want to know how I am."

"And you will know," He said. "In due time."

And again, I rolled my eyes in frustration. What were they trying to hide from me?

I could still hear the gunshots from outside. Nick hurried around the room, trying to find his gun. I could feel something behind me and I picked it up. It was his gold gun.

"Here," I handed it to him.

"How the hell did you get that?" He asked.

"I don't know," I replied, truthfully. Nick stashed the gun in his jeans.

"I'll be back," he spoke. I pulled his arm.

"You're not going anywhere without me," I said defensively. Nick laughed.

"Who makes the rules around here? Me or you?" He pointed out. "And do you even know how to work a gun?"

"Yeah," I lied. He looked at me with a high level of suspicion.

"Fine. But you stay close to me, alright?" I don't know why, but I felt so happy at that moment. He handed me his revolver and with the touch of his hand, I already felt like his woman. He was protecting me! We walked out of the building and hid behind a boulder. The shots were so loud, my ears started ringing. I felt the gun in my hand, clueless on how to use it. I stood up and Nick dragged me back down.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He whispered.

"Sorry," I replied.

"COME OUT, NICK GREYSON! YOU KNOW YOU'RE NOT GOING TO LAST LONG!" A voice shouted. This voice sounded awfully familiar. Nick started firing shots over us and nudged me to help him. I slowly emerged from my spot. I accidentally pulled down the hammer of the gun. My fingers touched the trigger and then suddenly, a wave of shock just hit me. Then I had unconsciously fired a shot at one of the men. My heart sunk into my boots. My eyes moved in every direction, to see who I had just shot. At this moment in time, I didn't know if this was real life or a dream, but my eyes glanced over to a figure that looked just like Jackson, dropping to the ground. I gulped loudly as a rush of confusion came over me. I felt hysterical and almost lightheaded. Nick caught me.

I awoke to a silent atmosphere, with no more guns. I felt a tear rolling down my face and I was handed a cloth by Nick. Gradually, the events started to refresh in my mind.

"I just killed a man," I sobbed loudly, while Nick caressed my cheeks gently, while all I could think about was the fact that I ended Jackson's life. The guy that abused me for 6 years of my life.

"Do you want to come with me to see if the guy is alright?" Nick asked while lifting me upright.

"No!" I shouted as I pushed him away. He lifted an eyebrow and sat back down.

"Are you okay? I feel like this is something more personal," He spoke.

"Well, that's because you kill innocent people on a daily basis!" I shouted at the top of my voice so everyone around me could hear me. "And it's different when you kill people you - don't know!" I quickly corrected myself.

"Right," He spoke in a neutral voice as if what I said meant nothing to him. He walked to the door. "And FYI, we don't kill innocent people." He spoke with an annoyed face. For a second, I felt really bad about shouting. But what I didn't understand was I swear I saw Jackson standing there for a second - but earlier Nick mentioned to me that the cartel outside was The Bronze Dragons. How could Jackson be part of such a group? He was with me 24/7 and I never noticed anything weird.

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