7 | A Date

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"Whatever," Said Nick. "Don't ever call this number again."

I felt a rush of relief.

"What did he want?" I asked so happy inside of me. Nick placed his phone on the bedside table and sat silent.

"Is anything wrong?" I asked, worried that Jackson might have said something.

"No, I am just concerned about your safety," He took my hand. "Hey, do you have something you want to tell me? Like about your past?"

"Uhh," I muttered. "Well, my father died before I was born. I grew up with my mother, got a boyfriend and went off to live with him."

"How did you end up homeless, then? And who's your boyfriend?" He tilted his head a bit.

"It's a long story," I tried to dodge the bullet. "The baby's been making my stomach squirm for a while now, can I rest for a bit?"

"Yeah, sure. Do you want me to call the doctor or-"

"No," I interrupted. "I'll be fine."

Nick left the room suspicious. Great job! I thought to myself. It was so obvious that I was lying and I probably made him anxious. Then Nick popped back into the room.

"If you're feeling sick, then we can cancel our date," He spoke, then left in a flash. Dammit! I thought. A little white lie turned into me losing a date with the leader of a cartel, and as bad as it sounded, Nick was hot and caring, therefore, I didn't really mind. I tried to sleep, but it was early in the morning. The natural light from outside shone brightly in the room as if the light was on. I could smell the aroma of the Vanilla Cupcake Candle from Yankee, and the Vanilla air freshener that was plugged into the wall.

A few minutes passed and I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't keep lying down knowing that Nick was out there expecting me to come out and come on this date - and the fact that I was lying to him just made it even worse.

"I am going on the date with you," I spoke, smiling.

"I thought you felt sick," He exclaimed.

"Well, I'd feel much worse knowing that I turned you down," I gushed. Nick's teeth were so perfect when he smiled. His pearly, white teeth were just... gorgeous. Rosita had brought a beautiful, red, lacy dress with sequins that ran down the side. It looked very expensive that I didn't even want to accept it.

"I can't accept this," I told Rosita and she rolled her eyes and stared at me.

"Look at you," She beamed. "You have such a perfect body - this dress would look magnificent on you, Scarlett! And you should feel lucky. After 15 years of working for Nick, he has never done this for a woman before."

"Even Stacy?" I asked, just to make sure Nick wasn't a two-timing jerk.

"Nope. Stacy was a toy for him. A fling. Maybe he had a one-night stand with her."

"Ew my gosh," I spoke, covering my mouth. Rosita laughed and winked at me. She placed the dress on my bed. When I put it on, everything just fit perfectly. It felt strange to wear this since Jackson never spoilt me the way Nick did. And also, this was my first date ever. Jackson and I rushed things that we didn't even get a chance to have some romantic time together.

I put the red stilettos on - I remember the last time I put on heels was about 7 years ago. And that was for prom. I had my hair curled by Rosita and my makeup was done by Rosita. I had a bronzed look and swiped on some wine red lipstick and that was it. I walked into the parlor and Nick stood, flabbergasted.

"Scarlett, you look... amazing." He complimented.

"Wow, thank you," I replied, straightening my dress.

"You're missing one thing," He opened up a box and brought out a beautiful silver necklace that started sparkling.

"No way," I refused it, stepping back.

"Yes way," He opened it up, spun me around and placed it around my neck. "You are going to be my woman tonight."

He grabbed my hands and took me outside, where a beautiful black limo stood to wait for us.

"Ladies first," chuckled Nick, whilst giving me a hand. The limo had bottles of tequila and vodka in it and Nick took a bottle and offered it to me.

"Don't forget I am pregnant, Nick," I laughed and he placed the bottle back. We arrived at the restaurant and it was so elegant inside.

"Couldn't we have gone to like, I don't know, McDonald's or something?" I asked, noticing how expensive this place looked. Nick laughed and took me to table number 53.

"I don't want to scare you, Scarlett, but I heard from my guys that the Bronze Cartel are still tracking me down. There are men at the front and the back exits so that we can keep the both of us safe, okay?"

I started feeling butterflies in my stomach. How could I continue this lovely date with Nick knowing that we were in constant danger? I tried to keep a cool head, but the thought of Jackson couldn't leave my mind. I didn't want anything to happen to the both of us.

"Yeah," I fake smiled. A waiter came to us and asked us what we would like.

"Can we have Caviar for the starter please," Nick asked and my mouth stood open.

"Nick, isn't that really expensive?" I exclaimed.

"Not for me," He replied, grinning at me. He was honestly spending way too much on me, and I didn't find it good.

During the ten minutes of waiting, Nick and I were talking about what he did for a living and more about the Ivory Lions. It didn't seem so bad, but the thought of me becoming a drug trafficker? Never would have thought of that in a million years. Every conversation topic felt like magic. Nick knew how to make you feel so special and I loved that about him. He was such a strict, yet humble guy at heart. He really cared about the people he loved, and I really admired that about him. Nick and I weren't serious yet, but I had a gut feeling that it would happen soon enough.

"Here is you Caviar, please enjoy," Then he got out a scrunched piece of paper. "Ma'am, this was sent to you."

"Thanks," I whispered, so Nick couldn't hear. I opened it under the table:

The next chapter will be available tomorrow: 07/27/17

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The next chapter will be available tomorrow: 07/27/17

Can't wait for you to read it!

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