29 | Gratitude

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"Scarlett," I felt fingers poking me as I tried to get up from a long sleep. I squinted a little to figure out who it was, and there she was, Rosita, smiling back at me. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Ro!" I shouted, trying to go and hug her but my leg restrained me to. I looked around the place, and I was in the very hotel I stayed in with Sean. I bit my lower lip, trying to deny the fact that there was a possibility that Sean came and rescued me.

"I heard about what happened to you," Rosita spoke quietly. Then she looked at my stomach. "I'm so sorry about what happened to your baby."

"Thanks," I wiped a tear off my face. "And that isn't even the only problem."

Then I started to cry and thought about everything that had happened to me. Then I spent hours talking to Rosita about everything, and she cried whilst listening to what I said. My whole world had been crushed in the space of a week. My mom had been kidnapped. I had lost my baby. And I wasn't even sure if Nick was alive or not.

"Sean has been acting strange lately," Rosita touched my shoulders, and shook her head. "He's been going in and out of the hospital for a few months now. That's probably why he rescued you."

"Was it all over the news or-?" 

"Yeah, it was. They were all shouting your name, Scarlett. I genuinely thought that you might not make it!" I tried to think about who it could be, and why they wanted to kill me.

"I'm trying to think about who could do this, Ro. They were shots everywhere and-"

"Don't worry," she comforted me. "You're safe now. That's all that matters."

I sighed and looked around the room. The room looked quieter and more dim, more empty and more soulless. 

"Is Sean okay?" I asked, concerned. Rosita looked around as well and could clearly see what I was seeing as well.

"I don't know," she replied, twiddling with her thumbs. "He's been so distant lately... I'm really worried about him."

"Do you think he was a relative at the hospital or is he going there himself?"

"It's hard to tell," Rosita replied. "He never says anything."

"I still can't believe you're here, Rosita. You came back because of me, and I'm so grateful for that. You're a really good friend, even though I left without telling you anything."

"It's cool, and B-T Dubs, I'm not leaving Russia without you, Scarlett. You need to go home."

"I know, but, I have unfinished business. I need to find out who exactly killed my father, and I can't leave without knowing if Nick is dead or not. Even though I didn't agree with it at first, Nick bringing me to Russia was probably the best things that ever happened to me."

Rosita looked at me closely.

"I know I'm not a fortune teller like your mother, but I can sense one thing. You love Nick - and even though he could be your brother, your love is way stronger than that. Look at yourself, Scarlett. Your life is in shambles. Nick is the only one that can fix that."

"But what if he's DEAD?!" I sobbed. "There's no point getting my hopes up when there is a possibility he's not alive. He jumped off a ledge! There's no saving our love, even if he's alive. We're done, and that's that."

"Hey," Sean walked in holding his forehead, looking as if he was about to faint. Rosita stood up really worried, grabbed this receipt off him and looked at it carefully. She shook her head.

"Sean," she placed him in the chair. "You haven't been taking these pills have you? You haven't even gone to the pharmacy to collect them. They were prescribed three months ago."

"Please," He spoke quietly in pain. "Glass of water-"

Rosita ran to the kitchen to fetch the water. I looked at Sean awkwardly. He looked back.

"It's nice to see your face again," he struggled. "I thought you had left me for good."

"I did," I spoke, but I didn't mean it in a rude way, although that is probably how he took it. "But you came and rescued me. Again. Thanks."

Rosita ran in with the glass of water. Sean grabbed it and threw the water in his face. 

"Sean! What are you doing?" Rosita asked him, while wiping the water off his face. 

"I needed to wake myself up," he replied. Rosita shook her head again. 

"We're worried about you, Sean, believe us," she smiled faintly. "We want to help you."

"But the thing is, you can't," he replied, looking at the receipt. "I'm done for. Everything I worked for in life is gone. Everyone I've loved is going to go."

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Explain."

"Go to that drawer over there." Rosita went to it. "Open the 3rd drawer. In there you'll find a letter."

Rosita saw the letter and grabbed it. She started to read it, and after about twenty seconds, she dropped it and started to cry. I got up to comfort her and read the letter.

 I got up to comfort her and read the letter

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The worst way to end the chapter... I'm sorry! Okay, so I'll see you next week. Thanks for reading!


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