28 | Rejection

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Before we start can I just ask you all to check out this fabulous book from a dear online friend of mine';

The Team with the Legend        deathbat001

The Team with the Legend        deathbat001

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"Sarah is the living legend .She has the power every fairytale fighter wants . You can already smell the problems cant you ? What did she go through before she got saved ?Who saved here ? Will she remember the times before she was 10 ? Will she be able to use her powers in the right way ? Will falling in love with her teammate help her or will it make her take stupid decisions ?"

Trust me, the first chapter is going to blow you away!

Please, check this book out after you've read this!!

Okay, enjoy this chapter!


I took his hands and threw them back at him.

"Nick, you know that we can't do this," I nodded my head at him and he sat back in embarrassment.

"So what do you expect me to do? Just sit here and not have any mutual attraction towards each other?" He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders.

"We're going to sit here and forget that we ever had a relationship, Nickolas," I scratched my arm. "We can't be wooing each other and doing these types of things knowing that we could be brother and sister!"

"But love has no rules," he looked at me. "And don't call me Nickolas."

"Okay, Nickolas." I laughed back at him. But then I thought to myself that I had to stop getting mixed up between loving Nick and hating Nick. I had to pick one, even though I knew it wasn't going to be easy for me.

"Scarlett," he stared at me hard. "Even if we are siblings, I want you to promise me you'll love me."

"Uh..." I stuttered a bit. "I don't know, Nick. It's gonna be kind of hard, you know, dating my brother? That just sounds weird in general."

"Right," he answered doubtfully. I could tell he was upset by my answer but I had to be blunt with him or otherwise he would get hurt. Nick was a very sensitive person, and making him upset would just add onto the list of my problems. "I get that we can't be together."

"Good," I sighed quietly. I looked at myself lying here and thought; 

What am I doing with my life? I should be out there looking for my mother instead of being stuck here trying to end this love war with Nick! I know the next few months is going to be full of grieving over the death of my unborn child, but I must avenge my father's death. He didn't deserve to die, let alone die without giving an explanation. I must go and rescue her, even though it means maybe losing my life.

"Nick, we need to leave," I told him, trying to remove the blanket off me.

"Are you crazy?" He asked, trying to put the blanket off me. "You can't get out of here! I mean, you can barely walk!"

"I don't care," I rolled my eyes. "I can't be just sitting here and hoping for the best when my mom is out there!"

"It's been almost seven months, Scarlett," he spoke quietly. "Don't you think if she was out there, we would have found her already?"

"We can't just give up!" I cried. And then all of a sudden, gunshots were being fired outside the hospital. "Nick, what's going ON?"

Nick was looking out the window. His face suddenly became worried.


"I don't know who these people are," He looked closer at the window.

"What do you mean you don't know who these people are?!" I asked, panicking. Then I heard from outside that they were protesting; "WE WANT TO SEE PETROVA'S DAUGHTER!"

Then I suddenly started panting really loudly, knowing they wanted to see me. I again, tried to remove the blanket off of me. This time I was successful, and tried to put one foot on the floor. Nick turned around to look at me.

"Don't," I told him. "We need to leave. Now."

Nick rolled his eyes and rushed over to my bed, carrying me out of it. He carried me to the corridor which had women screaming and running all over the place but he ignored them and just ran. We ran to the terrace, where Nick locked the doors. He placed me onto the ground and took out his gun.

"I'm sorry," he cried and then he jumped off the ledge.

"NO!" I screamed as Nick fell. I didn't hear a physical thud, but I heard the thud in my heart. It was as if someone just ripped my heart out of my body and stepped on it right in front of me. Nick had just jumped off a LEDGE! I didn't know whether it was to save me, or to try and prove something. I crossed my fingers and prayed that he wasn't hurt. I couldn't do much at this point in time, because I could barely even walk. I noticed someone at the door, trying to get outside but I couldn't unlock the door for them. I could hear the gunshots were getting closer, and my heart beating faster. 

Then suddenly, I felt a rush of someone carrying me and running away with me.


That's it guys! Sorry this chapter was short, I was kind of in a hurry to get this one out. The next chapter that is going to be released isn't really a chapter, so stay tuned for that.


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