This Person Sucks [Fluff]

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Tumblr AU.

I... have no excuse.


Tom had just woken up.

He's overheated from laying under the hot covers, he feels sticky and sweaty, he has a pain on the left side of his neck, and he isn't even fully awake yet. But none of that matters, because the moment he opened his eyes he smelled the delicious smell of bacon being cooked in the kitchen. So, like any other decent human being, Tom threw the covers back and walked bare-footed to the kitchen to see who was in there (and to eat some of that delicious bacon).

He lived in a house with three other boys his age and, all of whom, are in close relation to him. It's the usual routine to wake up and find one of them somewhere in the house, tending to their own duties. That being said, it's very uncommon to find someone cooking breakfast in the morning, mainly because everyone else in the house doesn't care enough about the others to cook for everyone.

Then again, there have been times when someone will cook a really intricate breakfast, but only to scarf it down all by themselves.

Making his way down the hallway, the smell of the bacon grows until Tom's mouth is practically watering. He's so close to the kitchen, and when he turns the corner to enter it, he all but gets down on his knees to thank the lord for this blessing.

There, in the kitchen, facing away from him, and wearing a lovely apron, is Tom's long-time boyfriend, Tord. The apron isn't what most people would call lovely, especially with it's grease stains and rough, white fabric, but it looks amazing on Tord and so Tom has to call it something to describe the attractiveness before his eyes. There's no way that his boyfriend won't share a piece of bacon with him, especially sense they love each other so much. Keeping this in mind, Tom strides into the kitchen with a cool look upon his face.

"Hey, Honeybutt~" Tom cooes as he nears closer to Tord, being close enough to wrap his arms around the other's midesection. Tord, however, jumps up from surprise and turns quickly around to see his boyfriend.

"Woa-- Hey..." Upon knowing that the only threat is his boyfriend, Tord visibly calms down, "Good morning, Pudding-pie." He chuckles and leans down to smooch Tom on the tip of his nose.

"Whatcha makin', bacon~" Tom pulls a smug look for making his horrible attempt at a cheesy joke, turning his head to look over Tord's shoulder at the sizzling frying pan, cooking two pieces of coca-cola flavored bacon.

"Mmm," Tord hums and wraps his own arms around Tom's waist. They'd usually get scolded for being intimate in the house like this, but they're the only ones awake this morning, so they rejoice in the close proximity. "I don't think you should worry about that."

"And why not?" Tom inquiries, setting his chin down on Tord's shoulder.

"Because you won't be having any."

"Wh--" Tom lifts up his head to look at Tord in question, his eyebrows knitting together as he gives the most confused look he can muster after just waking up minutes ago.

"This is my bacon. I made it myself." Tord smiles an ugly grin and suddenly Tom's love for his boyfriend drains ever so slightly.

"You're joking." The eyeless man scoffs.


"Sharing is caring, y'know."

"Early bird gets the worm." Tord brings his finger up to 'boop' Tom's nose, which only causes the other to get into an even fouler mood.

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