Your Mind Speaks to Me [Fluff]

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A Telepathy AU


'What is his deal?'

Everyday goes on like this, with him hearing thouhts that aren't his own.

'Can't he learn to be a decent human being?'

It sucks, because sometimes the thoughts are about him. Other times, it's about things he doesn't want to know about.

'God, I wish he would just leave me and my friends alone.'

And this is one of those times where Tord can no longer just sit and listen, "They aren't only your friends, Thomas." He says this, almost hissing it at the boy sitting in front of him and glaring daggers.

The boy in front of him, other known as Tom, falters with his glare and looks at Tord like he's just seen a ghost. "Did I... say those things out loud?"



"Oh." Tom mumbles and ducks his head down so Tord wouldn't be able to see the mortified expression on his face. Even without looking at him, Tord can still understand how he's feeling. He doesn't want to, but he just can. And he hates it.

Throughout his whole life, ever since he was nothing but a little toddler, he could hear things in his head. He wasn't insane, but instead he had a gift. An ability. A power. Something that he never asked for and did not want.

It hurts his head when he's in a crowded room. Multiple voices show up into his mind, and he hates the things they think about. He hates how they'll sing horrible song lyrics in their minds, or they'll fret over something small in their heads, or they'll fantasize about dirty and disgusting things.

Tord can hear people's thoughts.

And it only gets worse.

When he was younger, he told both his fathers of this and pleaded for them to do something to fix him. They took him to doctors, but the only thing those assholes did was put him on medication, thinking that he had some depressive mental disease. Tord is not sick. Tord is not insane.

Tord is tired, however. Tired of listening to Tom fret in his mind about how much he embarrassed himself. Truth is, the annoying, no-eyed boy had nothing to feel embarrassed about, because he didn't say anything out loud. It's Tord who should feel embarrassed, because he heard Tom's thoughts and should have just shut them out.

But, geez, did he really want to hear his thoughts.

Tord hates Tom. Tord adores Tom.

He adores the boy the same way you would a mean cat who does cute things but constantly scratches you. He adores him the same way you would when you get an annoying card in the mail from a grandma who doesn't know about email yet.

He tolerates him. He finds him annoying.

But, he also kind of wants Tom to corporate with him and hold his hand without protest. And if that's too much to ask, than looking at Tord without hate in his gaze would be the next priority.

It's only a matter of time before his friends find out about his curse, but for now he manages to keep it a secret. However, it's really embarrassing to hear their thoughts sometimes. Which is exactly why Tord taught himself a nifty trick to shut out the thoughts of other's by putting up a metaphorical barrier on his mind, and this sort of leads to a lot of energy being taken away. But it's worth it.

Right now, however, Tord's metaphoric wall is slightly down and he is listening into Tom's mind.

'I'm such an idiot.'

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