princess problems

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"I love you," I emphasized before I kissed his nose and held him tight in my embrace. He placed small kisses all over my face, and I giggled before Matheus came in and looked disgusted.

"Alex, Grace is making out with your dog again!"

"Don't listen to them Bruno, they're just jealous of us," I picked up the tiny chihuahua in my arms before standing up and walking over to Matheus who was wearing a football player costume. Alex shortly came out dressed as a sexy teacher, and I knew some weird kink was happening around me.

"Am I interrupting your it's incredible role play?" I raised my brow, and Matheus shot me a look before praising his girlfriend and telling her to ignore my comments.

"Hey, if Catherine were here it would be worse!" I pointed out, and he agreed before I rested my case.

Catherine was helping out with getting the fraternity ready for the party, and I was supposed to join, but I lied and said I had work till 7. I didn't regret my decision because I got to meet Bruno, the actual love of my life.

"Alright, let's get going," Alex announced, and I kissed Bruno before releasing him into the wild, or Alex and Matheus's living room.

We carpooled to the party, and I played with my long pony tail while texting Harry who was impatient and couldn't wait to see me. I laughed to myself as I continued to tease him, Matheus looked at me through the rear view mirror, and I shrugged casually before getting back to my texts.

"Is it this one?"

"No, it's not the house with all the people crowded in it and cars parked all around."

"Fuck off."


Matheus parked along the curb, and we all got out before heading into the house, I readjusted my tight costume awkwardly in the corner before smiling and joining Catherine in the kitchen as she chatted with her boyfriend, Niall.

"Hey," Catherine embraced me in a tight hug before whistling at my outfit and winking at me. She looked at me, and I turned around to see Harry dressed in the costume I picked out for him on Sunday.

"Does there seem to be a problem officer?"

"Hands up where I can see them, princess," Harry strictly demanded before I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"Is it because I am black officer?"

"Uh I don't know how to respond to that," his shoulders fell in defeat, and I kissed his cheek as his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

We all talked in our mini circle before Matheus, and his girlfriend Kenzie joined us.

"Hey Jane," I smiled at her, and she looked at me confused, Catherine waved at her after and repeated the same thing as me.

"My name is Alex."

"Okay Hannah," I took a large sip from the cup I was holding before she looked frustrated and walked away with an annoyed Matheus trailing behind while as he flipped us off.

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