bad baby gets what he wants.

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Tails was taking shadow downstairs so he could feed him shadow was placed in a random high chair that tails got while sonic was in shadows room with him and blaze was there too for some reason sonic stayed in shadows room to build the crib while blaze read him the directions so he gets it dont faster without making the crib a death trap so anyways tails was getting the baby food they bought early this morning and then he found a jar it was apple and pear flavor he got the jar and grabbed a small spoon and he sat it on the table then he grabbed a bottle and puts milk in it for shadow and while he was waiting for the bottle to heat up in the microwave he went over to shadow and asked him his questions that he asked earlier shadow said in his head well here goes nothing and also said in his head that it is a good thing his voice has changed into a little kids voice after talking in his mind and before he starts saying baby talk tails says well you going to tell me or not or do you want to stay this way for a long time when shadow heard that he desided to not say a word and turned his head to the side and give an attitude for no reason tails got up from his seat and said fine be that way now you have earned your punishment you are staying like this intill tomorrow night if you keep being a bad baby then your staying like this for 2 days and sonic will be very mad when he has to look after you alone because i have to fix that ray gun because it somehow overloaded so i need to fix it sometime today but if you are causing more trouble while i am fixing it and i get a call from sonic or blaze you are definitely staying like that intill i have fixed the ray gun okay now im getting your bottle out of the microwave and im going to feed you and you better not be stubborn or your chances for staying for 2 days will become possible so i know you dont want that so be good shadow or else tails then walked to the microwave and got out the bottle and tested it to see how warm or hot and it was a little hot but not too hot so it should be warm enough when he gets done feeding shadow the baby food and too bad shadow doesn't have his teeth so he cant eat anything better then mush but hopefully he will be good and not spit all it out after that was said tails grabbed the bottle and put it on the tray of the high chair and held the baby food in one hand and held the spoon in the other shadow want the baby food when tails fed it to him so he spat it in tails face and laughed at him tails said okay 2 days it is, shadow quieted down and pretended he didnt want this to happen but he actually doesnt care because the more time he gets revenge the better especially when it included sonic but shadow hated being a baby but he hated sonic even more so when he wants something he gets it except on april fools day which he hopes this april fools day will be the last but what he doesnt even know that in the future he is still going to suffer these guys but he is clueless about that but atleast he doesnt have to be a baby again. Tails was trying to feed shadow again but shadow grabbed the spoon and threw it on the floor and did this for 3 minutes after tails kept feeding him so tails said since you are not eating your food then you are not going to eat it since you arnt hungry shadow heard this one and said something but it was baby talk he said nah nah which meant hes hungry tails heard this but didnt know if he was hearing what he thought he was hearing so he asked him tl say that again shadow said it again but in an angry way tails said well since you are baby talking it seems my ray gun worked to well, oh well not any different i guess, shadow started to get mad because tails wasnt doing what he wanted him to do so he decided to cry tails heard this and said why are you crying you kept refusing your food and not you want your food then tails was trying to figure out what was going on intill shadow spoting the mush and decided to reach for it and he said wa wa which meant he wanting something so while tails was still thinking shadow was really hungry this time for some reason his stomach started growling which was the first time ever that he was this hungry while his stomach was growling he was crying for real this time because he never experienced his stomach growling before which was becoming very annoying and uncomfortable so he cryed harder because he wanted food and he was really hungry so he said it again nah nah wa wa this time tails just gave up and said he will feed him now with that said shadow calmed down and opened his mouth for some food, the food tasted a little weird but when people get hungry everything is good to them as long as they eat, tails was feeding shadow until he got full and refused more food so tails stopped feeding him and realized that he ate all of his food which was surprising but he didnt care about that now because he is somewhat glad that he gets to feed him instead of changing diapers and then felt sorry for sonic but thats what sonic gets for being rude so tails then decided that shadow wont be drinking his milk so he puts it in the fridge and he lifts shadow out of the high chair and carrys him to his room and sees if sonic is done building the crib then sonic said he just finished it and tails said good we need to put shadow in there for a nap when shadow heard nap he started kicking and screaming and was saying no no no bad me dont wanna tails said well at least he can say that, sonic said what are you talking about, tails said well i was trying to feed him but he was being fussy but i told him before that, that if he is being a bad baby he will stay like this for 2 whole days because he was being bad before i told him that and after i said that and i was trying to feed him but he spat it at my face and laughed about it so i told he that the more he is bad the more the chances are to stay like that for 2 whole days but he didnt even listen to me so i told him that if you are going to refuse your food then you will have to drink your milk but then he said nah nah which means he's hungry when he said that it made no since then i realized that the ray gun worked to well (authors note: tails may think that but its not true, what he doesnt know is that shadows planed for revenge) and then when i was trying to figure this out he starts crying and i said why are you crying i gave you food but you refused it and now your crying i was trying to think of other reasons that he was crying for but i couldnt think of anything and while i was still trying to figure this out i saw him reach for the food and said another baby word he said wa wa which means that he wants something so i gave up and fed him the food i decided to feed him after he  reached for the food and his stomach was growling as well and he started crying harder so thats why i gave up and fed him his food which he ate and he ate all of it which surprised me and since he was full i decided to put his bottle in the fridge intill he wanted it before he goes to bed tonight so thats what happened blaze then said well atleast the baby talk makes him more cute and adorable so then blaze came over to tails so she could pet shadow like a cat which for some reason he liked it blaze then said aww how cute shadow then was placed in the crib and tails put the blanket over him and shadow wasnt tired so he became fussy then he kicked his blanket off him and started giggling about it then tails told him to go to sleep but shadow had other plans he kicked the blacket off him every time tails put the blanket back over him tails got tired of it and was about to walk out the door when he heard shadow say wa wa again while holding his hands up to him to be picked up by him but tails was too mad to pick him up and said before he left to go to his workshop to fix his ray gun and told him to go to sleep but shadow didn't want to sleep and didnt want to be left alone with sonic and blaze because he was afraid sonic or blaze would spank him while tails was gone so he tried kicking off the blankets and he tried being cute by baby talking and tried reaching out for him again but tails didnt pick him up so shadow started crying because tails wasnt going to stay here and tails didnt pick him up either he knew he was going to be left alone with sonic and blaze was because after tails left to go to his workshop to fix his ray gun tails told him that he was going to do that and he heard tails slam the door, after that blaze left and ran downstairs to stop tails before he left she wanted to say good bye to him but it was to late and sonic wanted to say goodbye too by calling him because he was his little brothers big brother so when sonic was about to open the door to call his little brother and he had to open the door since blaze shuts the door because she was mad at shadow and sonic he then touched the door knob untill he heard shadow start crying very hard so sonic got mad because he wanted to say goodbye to his little brother and now he was stuck babysitting by himself intill blaze wasnt mad no more because when shes mad she will hurt anyone for talking to her so then sonic sighed and walked to the crib.

Next chapter crying and kindness then sleep

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