childs play again

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Tails just got done with his ray gun and tryed it on the dead plant that he turned into a baby plant and they plant went back to normal when tails figured out it was fixed he called sonic and told him it was fixed and that he would be there in 5 minutes sonic then said finally shadow is being well a baby, see you soon tails he then hanged up (while tails was talking on the phone he didnt realize the ray gun was glitching) tails went over to get the ray gun and he puts it in his backpack and flew over to shadows house. Tails arrived at shadows house he opened the door to see shadow throwing baby food at sonic and laughing at him evilly (well atleast shadow got his revenge) and the others were tied up to a chair back to back (what a strong child) with duck tape on their mouths, tails then sat his bag on the couch and ran up to knuckles and silver and untied then and said to them are you okay and they said do we look okay to you tails said sorry after that said tails ran up to shadow who was still laughing but didn't even notice tails was there and tails picked him up and then shadow said no fair me have fun me get revenge me no bad me get payback no big deal really. After he said that tails said ya right shadow you have been very bad but im changing you back okay so sit in corner and think about what you have done, shadow said me no sorry though me glad and then after he said that he was placed in the corner and he crossed his arms and pouted. Tails then untied sonic and told him to take a shower to wash the baby food off him sonic said that kids a monster just then shadow said yes i am then he giggled just after that tails grabbed him and sat him on the couch and said hold still so i can turn you back to normal shadow nodded and then when he pressed the button tails and shadow screamed and tails was then a baby and was acting like a real baby and so was shadow, sonic walked in while drying himself with his towel and then said is he back to nor- sonic stopped what he was saying and dropped his towel he then said what in mobius happened. Silver and knuckles were crying because this whole baby thing wasnt even over with sonic ran up to them and said we i guess we will have to take shifts on babysitting so me and knuckles will take them in the morning and afternoon and silver and blaze are going to take them on nights. After that was said everyone agreed and said to theirselfs how did we get ourselfs into this, just after that said everyone went to thier own houses while silver called blaze and told her about all of this and blaze said that she will be there in 10 minutes because she was a store near by to get baby food and baby diapers and baby bottles and baby formula and baby cleaning supplies and she was at the cashregester to get them all paid, silver then hanged up and waited shadow and tails were put in a play pen to play with baby toys after about 10 minutes blaze came in and then left with silver. Since it was still the morning sonic and knuckles had to keep the two babies intill 2 this evening so they decided to watch a scary pg 13 movie while the babies played. knuckles and sonic thought the babies would be too busy playing that they wouldnt see the scary movie but they were wrong while the movie was playing shadow and tails wondered what that noise was and they then say the movie when it got to the scary part they then got scared and started crying when that happened the movie was paused and sonic went to the play pen and so did knuckles and sonic picked up tails and knuckles picked up shadow they both were scared so they cryed in knuckles and sonics arms while the babies were shaking in fear then sonic and knuckles decided it was best to put on a little kid show and they found a show called barney they played the first episode and sat the babies in their laps to have them watch the show when they babies watched it they started bouncing up and down to the songs and they were laughing too sonic and knuckles got bored and they babies were asleep when the songs ended and the dinosaurs were talking so sonic and knuckles decided to change the channel but when they turned off their show shadow and tails started to cry and sonic said why are you crying you were sleeping during the song the babies then cryed louder so sonic changed the channel back to the show and the babies fell back asleep so sonic and knuckles decided to keep it on untill a few minutes later and they sat shadow on the bed and tails in the crib untill they get another crib so sonic put pillows around shadow so he wont fall off the bed they then left the room quietly so they wouldnt wake them up they then went back to the living room to watch their movie untill silver and blaze came and took the babies to their house.

Next chapter blaze and silvers house

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