Random Genderbender

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This is basically a one-shot between the reader as a boy and the Akatsuki members so there's no correlation between the other chapters and this one. 😋 I just felt like doing it.

(I don't own the picture) 


You were the newest member of the Akatsuki and you had a little bit of an attitude with most of the members except for one particular red head. 

'It's not like I have a giant crush on the puppet or anything' you thought, walking into the lounge where most of the members were. You immediately made eye contact with the red head making you look away quickly and sit down next to Itachi. 

"Oh here's the moody asshole" 

"Oh fuck off" 

There wasn't much to do when there weren't any missions.

"I need two people to go buy some groceries" Konan stated. You wanted to leave the base for a while so you raised your hand, "I'll go"

"Alright, who else?" She asked, looking around. Nobody raised their hand and looked away from her so she wouldn't pick them. "Hmm.. Sasori, you go" 

You panicked on the inside, 'I've never really been completely alone with him before' you thought, standing up and walking towards the exit while Sasori followed. "So, we have to follow this list" you said, trying to start a conversation, handing him the list. Sasori looked at the list then at you, "Okay" was his response.

'He's so hot' you thought, then smiled sheepishly at him.

"Why are you smiling at me, brat"   

 "Oh, I apologize" you said quickly, looking away.

Sasori stared at you for a little bit, "Uh.. why are you--" you tried to say but were interrupted by Sasori pinning you against a nearby tree. 

Your cheeks began to feel warm, "Sasori-" "Could you shut up for a second?" He said with a little bit of annoyance in his voice. You were shorter than Sasori (lol) so you were looking up at him. 

Sasori then did the unthinkable and pressed his lips against yours. Your eyes went wide but you immediately closed them and kissed back until Sasori pulled away, 

"I like you!" You blurted out.

"Yeah you made it pretty obvious.. but I like you too, idiot"


"Hey I'm gonna go get us some food" you said with a grin as you walked away from Deidara, who nodded in return.

You bought some pastries from a nearby bakery, 'Maybe I'll tell him how I feel today, I mean I've been very close to him since i joined' you thought with a small blush. You immediately spotted  the blonde walking, you had recognized the black cloak that he wore in order to blend in with the crowd.

"Deidara!" You called, then ran up to him and hugged him from behind. The blonde froze, "I have feelings for you and I think you're a piece of art--"

"OI! (Y/N)! What the hell are you doing, un?!" Yelled a voice from behind you.

You instantly froze and the blonde infront of you turned around with her face covered in a red blush, 

"What the hell (Y/n)?!" Deidara growled, pulling you away from her. The girl looked at you two before her nose exploded into a giant nosebleed and fell backwards. 

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