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I'm switching this to Morty's POV for now. Just so you know. Sorry for the late update.

Warning:: use of drugs


The next day, I woke up and put on a jacket so my parents or sister don't see my bandage. Rick fixed my mirror and posters so nobody would notice what happened or anything. I walked downstairs and saw that everybody was already at the table eating breakfast. Rick glanced over at me as I sat down. "Good morning sweetie. How'd you sleep?", said Beth. "Um. Okay I g-guess". She just nodded. Jerry was glaring at Rick just like every morning. And of course, Rick glared back. I got up not wanting to deal with this. I grabbed my shit and started off to school.

When I got to school a bunch of kids started being assholes and dumped out my backpack. I went to go pick up my things but one of them grabbed me by my shirt and shoved me up against a wall. "What do you think you're doing? We're taking your shit." I just looked down, letting it happen and he punched me in the face then slammed me onto the ground while ordering his friends to beat me up. I just lay there. I didn't say a word. I felt numb...


I walked into the house and went straight up to my room and locked the door. I want to feel numb again. But i want control over it. I searched for anything that could possibly hurt me. I didn't feel like breaking another mirror at the moment so I looked for other options. Rick took all my sharp objects out of my room. 'shit'. 

BOOM. I heard something outside my house. I looked out my window and there were kids across the street playing with fireworks. There was a car parked by them with another kid inside. Holy shit. He's injecting himself with something. He looks so satisfied. Maybe that will numb me.

I went outside and knocked on his car window. i was nervous as shit. But i was trying to hide it. He rolled down his window. "What do ya want kid?". "u-um. C-Can I get some of that stuff?". "you got money?". I think mom has a stash in her room. "y-yea. I'll be right b-back". "hurry up kid. I got shit to do". I ran inside and found mom's stash of money. I just grabbed it and ran back out. "How m-much?". "how much ya want?". "um. A l-lot". "alright. $70"

I handed him the money and he gave me 4 needles with something in them. I just walked back inside casually, trying to hide it. I knew they were drugs but I had never done drugs before. As I was heading upstairs, I ran into Rick. 'fuck'. "H-H-Hey Rick". "Hey M-Morty. Are y-urp-ou okay?". "Y-yea Rick. I was just headed upstairs to use the restroom", I lied. "Alright. G-Go do your business". I nodded and ran upstairs and went into my room, hoping he didn't notice I didn't go to the bathroom. 

I took out one of the needles and looked up a video on how to inject them. Alright. This seemed simple enough. I pulled my sleeve up, wrapped a belt tight around my arm, found a vein and injected it. Damn. This shit kinda hurts. But wOaH. Wow. This feels amazing already. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. Enjoying the feeling. 

*KNOCK. Oh shit it's probably Rick. "Morty can I talk to you?". Oh no. It is Rick. "U-Um. Yea. G-Give me a second". I fumbled around quickly to hide everything. Alright. I think I'm good. I opened the door and looked up at Rick and he immediately asked, "are y-you on drugs Morty??". "W-what? N-no. N-no way". "You are!". He took my face in his hands and looked straight into my eyes. Then he quickly pulled up my sleeve before i could pull away. "Heroin Morty?! O-Out of all t-urp-things, you pick heroin??"

I just looked down and started crying. I felt ashamed. I just wanted to be happy. Why can't I just be happy? Rick makes me happy but I think of him in ways I shouldn't. I'm disgusting. Tears rolled down my face as I just stared into nothing. "I-I j-just wanted to f-feel..."

Rick just held me... For the longest time.. and I actually felt happy.

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