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Underlined speech is Rick. Not underlined is Morty


Morty's POV

Rick brought me home through a portal and put me on my bed. 

" G-get some rest Morty"

He starts to walk out. I don't want him to go.. I grab his arm as he starts to walk away.

"D-don't go Rick"

He looks at me and I feel like he stares  straight through me. His eyes are so.. beautiful. 


I'm lifted out of my thoughts as Rick shakes me back to reality.


"It's Okay... I think I should stay and keep an eye on you"


I roll over facing the wall. I should try and sleep..

I wish I could just tell him. Just say it and get it over with. But if I do, he may never talk to me again. I can't risk it. But I can't live on with all these feelings trapped in my mind. I need some way to let them out. 

I can't sleep. My thoughts race on. I turn to face Rick..


"Y-Yea Morty?"

"I t-think I could s-sleep better if you weren't in h-here"

He looks almost sad when I say this. Why would he be sad?

"Okay M-Morty. I'll just be in the garage if you need me"

I shuffle around in bed and once I get comfortable, I start to daydream. Sometimes it helps me fall asleep. But I just daydream about Rick. About him and me. Close to each other. Him wrapping his arms around my torso and kissing my neck... God I wish it was real.

I just need to tell him. I need to. If he reacts badly, at least I know... I get up and walk downstairs. Nobody's in the living room or kitchen. They all must be out. I head to the garage. *Knock *knock. 


I hear some shuffling and then the door opens, revealing a slightly drunk Rick. 

"H-Hey Morty. I-Is every-urp-thing okay?"

"Y-yea. I just wanted to t-tell you s-something"

He motions for me to follow him and sits at his desk, slumped over a bit. I stand in front of him.

Oh god, I don't think I can do this...

"U-um..  I uh..."

Oh no

"W-what is it Morty?"

Shit. I cant do this.. fuck it

"U-u-um... n-n-nevermind. I'v-I've gotta go to b-bed."

I start to walk away but Rick grabs my arm and pulls me into a tight embrace, as he wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder.

He loosens the hug and looks me in the eyes, but looks away quickly, almost in a shamefull manner.

"W-whats wrong Rick?"

He keeps his gaze low.

"M-morty, I-... I have.. feelings for you that.. I'm not a-allowed to feel and.. I just.. need to let them breathe.. I'm so sorry. I c-can leave if yo-"

Rick is interrupted by Mortys lips crashing onto his own. They both melted into the kiss. It was passionate, full of love. Rick stood up and pushed Morty up against the wall, never parting lips. They parted for air, and Rick panted into Morty's ear, "God, I love you."

Morty shuddered and went weak at the knees. "Oh, R-rick.. Me too," Morty breathed heavily.


Sorry for not updating for months. I've just been really busy lately. I sorta left this at a cliff hanger which I am terribly sorry about but I have to go to bed now. I will try to update more often but I cant make any promises. I do promise I won't give up on this book though. Leave suggestions for the next part.

Update: I gave up on the book. Sorry folks. This ship has sailed from my brain😔 But hey! I'll be trying to write some one shots for the ships I currently support. Ex.: Hannigram(Hannibal), as well as some x reader one shots involving 10k(Znation), Murphy(Znation), Hannibal Lecter(Hannibal), Will Graham(Hannibal), etc. etc. So if you're a fan of any of those, look out for em! I apologize to anyone who wanted more of an ending to this, but tbh, if I add more now, it wont fit properly because it's been so long since I wrote this. It's better left as is. I love you all! (Didn't expect this many people to read my story omgg) Thanks so much for the love! I bid this story farewell and The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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