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Warning- drug use

Ricks POV

"Ugh". I moan as I wake up with a small hangover. Man I got pretty drunk yesterday. Wait, what day is it?... I look at the calendar and its Sunday. I was knocked out for a whole day. Wait...where's Morty? 

I get up and walk into the living room. Summer is sitting on the couch on her phone. "W-where's Morty, Summer". She barely acknowledges me and just says "I don't know. Probably in his room" without looking away from her phone.

I run upstairs and open Morty's door. He's not there. Shit.. Where else could he be? I run back downstairs and look everywhere. He's not in the house. I go back into the living room. "Summer, you h-haven't seen him anywhere?"... She doesn't answer. Just types away on her phone.

I yank her phone out of her hand. "What the hell grandpa Rick?!". "Where the fuck is M-Morty Summer!". "I don't know!". I throw her phone on the couch and run out of the house while mouthing "useless". Where would he go.

Morty's POV

I wake up in some sort of tree house. I'm a bit confused for a moment but then I remember how I got here. I should probably just go back home, but I really don't want to. You know what? Fuck Rick. Fuck everybody. I'm gonna go have some fun. 

I leave the tree house and find my way out of the woods. Where should I go? I look around and head down a random street. I end up in a shitty part of town where I see that guy who gave me drugs. Yes. This is what I need.

I walk up to him and I don't think he recognizes me. "H-hi. I know you. I-I bought stuff f-from you." He looks at me and pulls me into an alley. "What are you doing blabbing like that?". "I-I'm sorry. I just need t-to relax". He gives me a look like he knows what I mean and says "got any money?". Shit. I don't have anything. "U-um. Shit. No. I'm k-kinda new to all this". He hesitates for a minute but then grabs me, looks me in the eyes, and says "you owe me", then slips something in my pocket and walks away. I look in my pockets and saw 4 syringes just like the ones before. I should go somewhere private. 

I decided to head back to the tree house. I go inside and pull up the rope. I take off my belt and wrap it tightly around my arm and inject one full syringe, and just feel the euphoria...

Rick's POV

I've been looking for about an hour now. I've looked everywhere in town, well except for the woods. I decide to try and look there. I frantically run around, yelling Morty's name. What the hell is that? I see an old ass tree house. The rope in pulled up. He could be in there. I portal into the tree house and Morty is in there with more fucking heroine, passed out. Jesus Morty.

"Morty! What the fuck did you do!?" I go over to him and try to shake him awake. He doesn't budge. I check his pulse and there's nothing. "Oh god Morty". I have to perform CPR. I start CPR and he isn't waking up. Oh Morty. Please wake up. Please wake up. I have tears in my eyes. 

Finally, he takes a huge breath and sits up. I let out a sigh of relief and hug him tight. "Never do that again Morty. Never fucking do that shit to me". He starts to cry. "I-I'm so sorry Rick. I j-just needed to do s-something to kill the p-pain", he says in a shaky voice. I let go of him and hold him by the shoulders. "Morty, there are other ways. Better ways". He looks up at me, then looks down while sobbing, "B-but I'm so fucked up Rick. I d-don't deserve anything good". "W-what do you mean Morty? You aren't fucked up. You're just sad". 

Morty's POV

But I am Rick. I am and I cant even tell you why.


Well I tried. I might add some fluff in the next chapter. Leave some suggestions. Thank you all for reading my shitty work. 

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