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Erika's Pov:
Tiarna is honestly acting like a bitch and im over it. She always tells me whats going on! Im like her older sister now she wants to treat me like shit?

Emilio's Pov:
I was planning to go some where else so no one would find me but for some reason i kind of wanted Tiarna to come and find me. I was glad that she came alone but also upset about what she said. I have never told anyone about Jayden, not even Ivan! Tiarna was the first to know! Everyone was asling me where i was but obviously i wasnt going to tell them. After they all calmed down about me being gone i walked up to my room that i share with Ivan and chanthony. I layed on the top of the bunk bed and played on my phone.
"Emilio?" Someone came into my room. I looked to my left and Chance ws standing there.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"Im sorry bro" He said. I locked my phone and put it down giving him my full attention.
"About?" I asked kind of confused.
"The whole Tiarna and i having sex thing" He replied sitting on one of the office cars.
"Oh, yeah, its okay" Why do people keep bringing it up?
"Its obviousky not okay!" He fiddled with his fingers. "I should of known you guys had a thing!" He added.
"We didnt have a thing"I say.
"But you both liked eachother, and that was pretty obvious!" He looked at me, i knew he was right about that.
"But it wasnt a thing! We just liked eachother! We are obviously just begter as friends." I reply.
"Bro, if you want to blame someone on this dont blame her at all!" Chance sighed.
"I was never going to blame any of you" i sighed.
"I know you like Tiarna and I respect that. Im sorry for what i did and i know i will never get her again. So for you im going to back off!" Chance smiled a little bit.
"That makes me feel worse." I said.
"Dont feel bad!" He said. "I will do anything for you! Your like a brother to me!" Chance smiled and fist bumped me and walked out. I was kind of speachless.
Tiarna's Pov:
I stayed in my room and blared music our of my speaker. I sang along to the words of the song. While kind of dancing around my room and looking for something to do on my phone. Then one of my favourite songs came on and i couldnt help yelling out all pf the lyrics. Then the music stopped. I turned around to Emilio laughing.
"Could you get any louder?" He asked as he lent against the door frame.
"Yes" i said smiling,"want to hear?"
"I dont want to get blasted to Australia thanks!" He laughed. I laughed with him and sat on my bed.
"Emi, whats your favorite song?" I asked him.
"Despacito, only because i understand it since its Spanish." He laughed.
"Wow" i laughed and flicked throught my play list and put Despacito on. We both danced around my room singing, well i was trying to sing the lyrics. After the song finished rolex came on and Emilio was dancing so weirdly it was so cute.
"I just want to rolly rolly rolly" He sang then dabbed.
"Te amo (i love you)" I smiled. He looked at me surprised.
"Your learning spanish?" He asked.
"Sì (yes) "I laughed.
"yo te quiero más (i love you more)" He smiled.
"Impossible!" I laughed.
"Want me to prove it?" He asked coming a little closer to me.
"Sure" i smiled. He lightly pushed me against the wall. Our lips connected with eachothers. It started off softly then went more roughly. We both puled away to catch out breath smiling at eachother. I layed my head on his chest and he rubbed my back. The music still blaring in the background. We suddenly jumped apart when Tessa walked in.
"Am i interrupting something?" She asked raising an eyebrow at us.
"No" Emilio and I said in unision.
"Tiarna can i talk to you for a second?" She said. I nodded and Emilio walked out of the room. I turned the music off and we sat on my bed.
"So um, something came in the mail today"She said.
"What is it?" I asked anxiously.
"Its a letter for you, from the academy of Dance in New York!" She smiled at me.
"What?" I said grabbing the letter out of her hands and wriping it open to see what the letter said.
"Dear Tiarna Lenore Williams, we invite you to come for an aduition to.... GET INTO THE ACADEMY OF DANCE IN NEW YORK!!" I yell and start jumping up and down, "you will have fly out... TOMORROW??" I look at Tessa. She looked heart broken.
"You have you go" She managed to say.
"But, what about Team 10?" I said, even though i was excited to go to the Acdemy of Dance in New York i woukd hate to leave my family!.
"They will all support you!" She sighed, "even though none of us would want you to go you need to, its your dream!" Tessa smiled a little.
"I will have to talk to the Team" i sighed. A part of ,e wanted to go but apart of me didnt want to go.
"We already know about it" Jake said walking into my room "well Erika, Tessa, Nick and I know. The twins, chance and anthony dont." He added.
"Oh.." I could tell they were all upset about this. But they all pretended to be happy for me.
"MARTINEZ CHANTHONY!" Jake yelled making me flich a tiny bit. Within seconds Emilio, Ivan, Chance and Anthony came into my room.
"So we got something to tell you" Jake said.
"Tiarna got invited to join the Academy of Dance in New York!" Tessa smiled.
"No way!" Chance and Anthony chimed.
"Thats great! But what is it?" Ivan asked comfused.
"Its my dream school! But if i go there i will have to quit the team!" I sighed. I noticed Emilio being qpvery quiet.
"You cant leave us!" Ivan replied.
"I dont know if im actually in yet. I might not even get in!" I said.
"But if you try out there is a possibility you might get in! Then you woukd have to leave us! You will have to leave your family!" Emilio finally spoke up.
"But dont you understand this is my dream?" I said.
"Yeah i understand that but we are your family, im sure if you get in you will forget all about us anyways!" He said back.
"Are you serious? How can i forget you guys? Im sorry for following my dreams Emilio!" I snap.  Everyone quickly exited my room leaving Emilio and I arguing.
"I am sorry but i dont want you to leave and forget about me!" He snapped back.
"I wont forget about you! Why are you doing this?" I snapped "out of everyone i thought you would be the most supportive but obviously not!"
"Im trying to be supportive but its a bit hard when i know your going to quit the team and go to New York for probably the rest of your life!" He snapped then walked out of my room.  I was hoping he would be happy for me.  I started to pack and grabbed out my vlog camera.  I turned it on and smiled.
"Hey guys!! Its Tiarna here.. this a little bit different of a video today.  So basically what is happening is that,  Im going to New York for a little bit.  Because i have a aduition to get into the Academy of Dance in New York! It has always been my dream to go there!  Everyone in team 10 knows.  But the bad part about this is if i get in i will have to quit team 10.  Im sorry guys but this is truly my dream!  Dancing has always been my life!! And Team 10 is about making dreams come true and mine actually might!  So im flying to New York tomorrow! Until then by guys love you!" I smile one last time and cover the camera with my hand and turn if off.  I started pacjing straight away and before i knew if i was alseep.
*next day*
I woke up to my alarm going off i turned it off and got up.  I changed into jake pauls joggers and the martinez twins pink savage hoodie.  I brushed my long brown hair into a messy bun and wrapped a bandana around my head.  I then applied a small amout of make up and walked downstairs with my bags.
"Tia, you plugging once again!" Jake laughed as he recorded me. "If you dont know shes going to New York!"
"Hey Jake Paulers" i sighed.  I wont be able to say that for a long time...
"I will miss you! When is your flight?" He asks.
"In two hours so we gotta leave" i replied.  Jake nodded and then Tessa and Erika came running out of there rooms.  They both jumped on me and gave me hugs goodbye.  Then Chance and Anthony actually woke up early just to say good bye to me.  Then the twins.  I hugged Ivan then turned to Emilio.  I was still pissed that he didnt want me to follow my dreams but inwas still going to miss him.
"Bye guys i love you" i said after i gave Emilio and quick hug.  I walked out to the uber and then i was at the airport.

The flight over was a bit loud since these two babies would not be quiet.  But i managed to doze off before i landed in New York.  It was 1 am in the morning and it was still super busy i took another uber to the hotel and went straight to sleep.
*couple of days later*
I explored New York a little in the past few days and today is the day of my audition!  Im nevous yet excited.  I got reasy for the audition and my phone kept buzzing.  I looked at who it was and it was Erika face timing me.  I answered.
"Hey T!" Erika smiled.
"Hey Rik" i smiled applying my make up.
"How are you?" She asked.
"Good you?" I said.
"Okay i guess.  Emilio is upset and wont really talk to anyone" She told me.
"This is my dream!" I sighed.
"I know! I understand! But we still all want you back! But your following your dreams to its fine!" She smiled innocently.
"Look Erika im sorry but i have to go.  The audition is in 30 minutes!" I say and without hearing her response i hung up and kept going with getting ready.  My nervousness was getting bigger and bigger.

Emilio's Pov:
All i did in the last couple of days was stay in my room and wish i got to talk to Tiarna about everything before she left.. i wish i suported her instead of teling her no..
End of chapter!
It was quite long today💗 i hope you guys like it!

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