washing machine

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One night at dinner, John said to his wife, Clara "honey can we have sex tonight?"

Clara scolds her husband, "John, you shouldn't ask me like that in front of the kids!"

"Sorry luv, how would you like me to ask then?"

"Well how about instead, ask if the washing machine is working, that way only you and I will know what we are talking about"

"Ok luv, that's a good idea"

So, the next night, John asks Clara, "honey is the washing machine working?"

"It's not working tonight darling"

A few nights later John again asks the same question "is the washing machine working?"

And Clara still replies "it's still not working"

A few more days later, John once again asks "is the washing machine working?"

"It's still not working darling, but the repairman is fixing it tomorrow"

So the next night, Clara says to John, "honey the washing is fixed and working again"

John replies "oh that's ok honey, I only had a small load, so I did it by hand"


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