Chapter 4

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I sat up, quite quickly to be honest. It was freezing! I looked down to see what I was wearing. Booty shorts and a tank top. I looked to see if anyone was near me. Niall was still sleeping. I decided to take a shower. I ran into the bathroom and turned on the hot water. I got goosebumps. (qotd #1: what do you call them?) After I was done with that, I grabbed for my towel. Weird. It wasn't there. I looked for another, but I couldn't find one. I walked to the door to the bedroom to see if Niall was out there. He had gotten out of bed. Yes! I then walked to the door to exit the bedroom and yelled down the hallway. "HEY I HAVE A PROBLEM!" I yelled down the hall. "What is it love?" Niall replied. I noticed that all of the boys and Perrie are out in the living room. Greaattttttt. "Uhh, I kind of don't have a towel and im butt naked." I said awkwardly down the hall. I could hear the boys starting to laugh. "Stop laughing! Just get me a towel! Please." "I'll go get her one." said Perrie. Thank the Lord that it was Perrie. "Thanks! She's kind, unlike you guys." I said to the boys. They were still laughing. Was me not having a towel that funny? "Thanks Perrie." I said as she gave me one. I turned around, forgetting that I was naked. "Oh and Brianna?" "Yes?" "Nice butt." she said walking away.

After I did my hair into a side braid, I walked into the living room. Somebody seemed to be covered in towels. "Oh, I wonder who this is?" I said while throwing a book that I had gotten from the boys' bookshelf (obvisouly) at the person's crotch. "Oi!" The person screamed. The rest of the boys started laughing. Louis came out of the towels. "Sorry." I said with a puppy face. "I'll get you back. Be watching your back" He laughed. That kind of scared me to be honest. "Thanks for hiding the towels. Jerks. Who's idea was that anyway?" I said. "It was nobody's. We were going to fold them." Liam said. "Can we go somewhere? I'm so bored." Niall said. "Where we gonna go?" Zayn asked Niall. Niall shrugged. "Lets go to the park. Its only like a block away." I suggested. "Sounds good! Everyone go get changed."

"Race ya!" I yelled back to Niall.


Niall and Brianna raced each other. They were soo cute together. Niall was so happy with her. I've never seen him this happy with a girl. I was glad that he had found somebody. After we all got ready, which took 15 minutes, we got into my car. It was me and the boys and Brianna, Julie and Perrie. Sophia and Eleanor had gone back home. Then again they had stayed with us for almost 2 months. She wanted to meet Brianna, but she didn't have time to because of family issues. I miss her. I've gotten beside the point.


Once we arrived at the park, me and Julie noticed someone familiar. "Is that Kati? And Shen and Nancy?!?!" Julie yelled-whispered into my ear. THATS WHO THEY WERE I mentally screamed. They were basically pros-ti-tots in middle and high school. Harry seemed to notice. "Hey babe, who are those girls?" He said to Julie. Julie responded with "They have been with basically every guy in middle and high school. Go tell the other boys to stay away from them." Harry did so. Kati looked me dead in the eye with a look of disgust on her face. Back in middle school, me and Julie got into a instagram fight with Kati, Nancy and Shen. (lol sounds soo lame ikr) Kati whispered something to the other girls and they started walking towards me and Julie. They were all wearing TINY mini-skirts and tank tops that were obviously to small. Me and Julie were wearing crop tops (with bras underneath of course) and short shorts. We looked pretty dang cute, especially Julie. Well them, they had small clothes on. "So what cha been up to lately?" Kati spit in me and Julie's faces. We stepped back, because their breath stank. (ha I love that word) "What ya guys scared of us?" Nancy said to us. I looked back at the boys, and they were kinda tensed up. I could tell that they didn't like them. "Who's that? They look familiar." Shen said to all of us. "One Direction. The One Direction." Julie said to them. Nancy and Kati looked at Niall and Harry like they were trying to get them with them. Ha can't wait to tell them our connection. "Yeah, me and Julie's boyfriends. Niall's mine, the blond one, and Julie has Harry, the curly brown haired one." I said to their faces. "Like they would date you. They would want someone like me!" Kati got real close to me. She had gotten a nose piercing, and had gotten a couple tattoos. I pushed her off,  and she stumbled back. "Hey! Watch it!" Kati got right back up to me. "Will you get off of me?" I said while pushing her off a second time. Then she did something I'm pretty sure she would regret.

She slapped me. Hard.  After she slapped me, I heard the boys gasp. Niall started walking towards me. "Let me handle it. Get away." I said sternly to Niall directly. I smiled at Kati. "Is that all you got?" I said. Julie started to grab my arm when I slapped it. "Stop. I got this." Julie looked surprised at what I said. "You want me to do it again?" Kati said. "Try." She tried, almost hit me, but I caught her arm. She yanked her arm away. I slapped her. Harder. She looked at me, smiled and threw her arm at me all Sharkeisha- like. She hit my jaw. My head jerked to the left, and came back. I kicked her in the stomach. I was flexible, I could pull my leg up to my head. She fell back onto her butt. I laughed. Shen walked up to Julie and began to hit her. Julie is a fighter, so she only took a hit until she came back. Liam and Harry came up and split them up. "Watch out!" Louis yelled. "Wha-" I got punched from behind the back of my head. I fell to my knees, got back up, and walked back up to Kati. "You little prostitute, Niall's mine and you will not touch him. Hurt me all you want, but you do not hurt Julie and the boys. Got it b****?" I spat in her face. I clocked her square in her jaw, then again in her nose. Yes I can be violent, but only for a certain people. Niall came back and pulled me away from her. Nancy and Shen came up to Niall and started talking dirty to him. I grabbed his face and fully made out him in front of Shen and Nancy. He did too. Their faces were priceless. Niall walked away while I slapped both of them. Niall helped me into the car, and while I was going in, he grabbed my butt just so that they could see. Everyone was already in the car.

"Woah. That. Was. Hectic." Zayn said. Only me and Julie laughed. I looked around. All of the boys were looking at me and Julie worriedly. Except for Liam. He was driving. So I'm glad he wasn't looking at me. Or else we would be in a crash. "Whats wrong? Why are ya'll staring at me and Julie?" They wouldn't stop it. It was creepy. "I didn't know you guys had that in you." Harry said after a minute or so. Julie and I started laughing again. "I didn't know either!" Julie said.

Once we were back at the flat, Niall was still staring at me. "Why are you staring at me?" "Are you okay? You got hit pretty bad. Do you need some ice?" Niall said shakily. "Niall, i'm fine! I don't need ice, but thank you. I did get hit pretty bad did I?" I started laughing again.



we got out of school early today! yess. there was like 2 inches of snow on the ground and we got dismissed at like 12 pm . did you like this chapter? or nah? I really want to do a time skip again.... too bad I am. if I write about what she does everyday, it would get boring. soo here comes a time skip in the next chapter (trust me it'll be good) okay byeeeee

qotd #2: what song has the most meaning to you? ( like emotionally or physically idc)

mines All of me by John Legend or Don't forget where you belong by One Direction ( I was to lazy to cap the titles)

words: 1507

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