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"Turn right!"

"No, dimwit, turn left."



"Saphy," he mockingly said, "it's going to the right."

"Charles," I said back, "it's to the left."

"You know what, it doesn't matter. You turn to the left, and I'll turn to the right. Let's pretend it's just a little added twist to the routine, stubbornhead." He said, flicking my forehead.

I flinched and glared at him, "Dimwit."


"Suck ass."


"ENOUGH!" Another voice — or a group of voices — yelled out, making Sean and I snap our heads to the side where the voices came from.

"Y'all argue too much, man. Shut up." Will groaned, throwing a towel in our direction.

"Even though I ship the both of yo--"

"EW NO!" Sean and I yelled out, looking at each other while visibly cringing.

Ships are great and all, but I'm sure as hell not going to be shipped with the Lew here.

"As I was saying," Tati sighed, "I'm gonna bash both of your heads on the mirror if you don't shut up."

Sean and I turned to glare at each other but nodded anyway.

"Start over the routine." Sean simply said once we were done with the whole glaring match.

Normally, I would be a smarty pants but I simply shrugged and complied, starting the routine again while calculating my moves and how it should match Sean's.

Now that I'm seeing it with my own eyes, Sean's style unbelievably meshes with mine really well. We were similar in some way I couldn't point out, but you know, dancers do have similarities all the time.

"How's Java, by the way?" Sean suddenly asked beside me as I did a little turn.

If you're wondering, Java is my cute little corgi.

"She's at the pet daycare at the moment, I guess she loved it there already," I replied, chuckling at thought of Java running around aimlessly inside the daycare.

"I remember when she pooped on me, and started to run to the bathroom to get tissues for me," Sean laughed lightly, his dimples showing slightly and his eyes crinkling in the corners.

I wonder how deep his dimples go. He looks so cute, I could just poke it with my finger.

Just kidding. Let's pretend I never said that. Jesus. What is happening to me.

"So shall we start?" Will grinned, clapping to get everyone's attention. "Remember to have fun, feel the music, and pour out every energy you have in every step. Let's get on to it!"

"Should we go for last?" Sean questioned, looking at me for confirmation.

I shrugged, "sure."

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