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Not too long after, the two is back to murdering each other with their eyes. But this time, in a much more calm and civil manner — if such a situation could exist.

"Quit glaring at each other, it's starting to make you look old," Janelle commented, alternating between typing something up on her laptop and observing the two who was silently sitting on the floor with a good amount of distance between them.

"Sean looks like a prune already, so that's no problem for him," Sapphire snickered, receiving a glare from the asian boy.

"Sean looks like a prune already," Sean mocked in a high pitched voice. "You look like you haven't showered in days. In short, you look like a hobo."

"Okay, it was a totally bad idea to even start up a conversation with you two," Janelle sighed. "Okay, here are the conditions of the deal."

Janelle handed over her laptop to Sean, to which he placed down on the space between the two of them. With a much obvious hesitation, the both of them scooted towards each other so that reading on the laptop will be much more convenient.


1) Hang out together. Emphasis on TOGETHER. Meaning, there should be no other people with you. Only the two of you.

"WHAT?!" Both of them exclaimed, looking at Janelle as if she's mental. Which she obviously is.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me," Sean scoffed.

Will turned to glare at the boy. "Language," he scolded. "This could help in forming a friendly bond between the two of you."

"Go on, continue reading."

With a huff, the two directed their attention towards the laptop.

2) Always document the time you spend together. By document, take pictures, do a vlog, post on social media, and other likes of proof that you both are together at some point.

"This keeps getting worse and worse," Sapphire groaned, already dreading the days that will come.

3) Since you will be choreographers for Build A Beast Experience 2017, we are requiring you to help each other in creating each other's routines.

"This is like taking away my freedom," Sean commented. "Sapphire's just going to distract me from creating a routine. You know how incredibly annoying that girl is."

Sapphire fake coughed. "That girl is right here, dimwit," she said. "And your ass is more annoying than mine."

Sean covered the girl's mouth and twisted it to face the laptop screen again. Saph then huffed and shoved away the boy's hand rather roughly.

4) If you fake any of these acts, then the deal will be called off in an instant. Remember, God is watching you sin.

5) Lastly, enjoy and do not end up killing each other. Again, the Lord above is watching your every move. Please don't do something stupid.

"No guarantees on the last one," Sean said after reading the last number.

"Sleep with one eye open, Lew. I might just grab that non existent set of eyes you have," Sapphire fired at the boy, crossing her arms together.

Sean clutched his chest in fake hurt. "Ouch, not my fault for being Asian with small eyes."

"You have exactly ten days before BABE2017, so make it worth it," Will said. "Now, you can go home now."

Almost immediately, both Sean and Sapphire shot up from the floor and away from each other at lightning speed. It was almost as if they were disgusted to be that close to each other, which is probably true, because you know, they loathe each other.

"We are going to practice tomorrow, at my house," Sean said, or more like commanded as they were at the doorway of the studio.

"Aw, you miss me that fast already?" Saph pouted, putting her hand on her chest as if she's touched.

Sean rolled his eyes, and gently pushed her forward to the door. "You wish, Case. I just want to get it over with."

"Feeling's mutual," Saph muttered, walking away from the boy. "But don't deny it. You have the hots for me, Seanie boy."

"In your dreams, Case."

"More like a nightmare," Sapphire snickered, glancing at Sean for a brief moment,

"How d--"

Sean was cut off by a sudden bro hug by a certain Julian De Guzman.

"We've been waiting for you like ages, man, where have you been?"

Sean glanced at Sapphire who continued walking to the glass doors of the facility, and turned his attention back to Julian. "I'll tell you about it later."

"Remember, tomorrow! 7pm!" Sean shouted after Saph before she could fully exit the premises.

"Looking forward to it," the girl sarcastically replied before finally walking away to the already dark street and to the car waiting for her.

"You hated each other for like years, and now you're going on something tomorrow?" Julian fake gasped, his eyes widening at Sean.

Both of them were also walking towards the exit, where Josh, Will, Kenneth and Gabe were waiting. Basically, the whole boy squad was here.

"Guys, guess what," Julian said as they reached the group. "Sean and Sapphire are going to do something tomorrow, willingly."

"Forcibly," Sean corrected, running a hand through his hair. "C'mon. Let's go eat something. I'm starving."

"Thank God, I thought my stomach was gonna go on rampage and explode on me," Will exaggeratedly said, while clutching his stomach in hand.

As the boys walked down the sidewalk of Los Angeles, Sapphire was just sitting in the car as it drove towards her home with Bailey.

This isn't even going to end well. We'll just probably hate each other even more now, the girl thought.

But little did she know, something will happen between the two that they will never even expect. A blossoming friendship? Or something more? We will never know.

~*i turned my fan account into a fan slash rant account so go follow me on ig which is seanlewrants if you wanna hear me show the immabeast fam some love while ranting about what i deem as relevant thank yall i love you!!!!


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