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The breeze was fresh, sun was beating down and there was a slight wind about. It blew my hair around, feeling the air around me. It was a glorious day. Perfect weather for riding Honey, getting her saddle out and taking her through the vineyards. She needed to get out. I needed to get out. And taking Honey for a ride would be good, great even, I just needed to clear my head.

Taking my helmet off the hat rack at the back of the estate, putting my riding boots on, I gathered myself and got prepared. The sun belated down as I walked across the gravel to the stables. A few Gardeners and stable hands were around, all saying hi to me as I walked to the stables.

"Ah, Miss Hayley, taking Honey out for a ride on this magnificent day?" Sammy, my families estate caretaker smiled at me.

"Why yes I am Sammy." I smiled back. "If mum and dad ask where I am, tell them I'm touring the new vineyards. And I'll also be wanting dinner, just in case I'm out longer that anticipated."

"Sure thing Miss Hayley." Sammy gave me a quick nod, before getting back to work.

I kept up my pace and walked past Sammy, heading through the barn doors, where some of the stable hands were tending to the stalls, tiding and cleaning. A few more nods and some more words, I finally had reached Honey's stable. Jarryd was giving her a brush down when I arrived.

Her coat was nice and shiny, her Maine was brushed perfectly with no nots nor imperfections. She has the most beautiful colour coat of honey and her Maine was a gorgeous shade of white, with some blonde streaks coming through. She was my pride and joy. She made me happy and I made her happy. And the moment I got to her nose, started patting, she got excited. I gave her some apple I carried.

"She's all ready for you. I somehow sensed you might be out her today." He finished brushing her and grabbed her riding saddle. "I'll get her ready for you."

"Oh, no need. I like getting her ready. But thanks Jarryd." I took the saddle from his hands and placed it over Honey's back. I gave her a quick pat, before placing the blanket on first and then her saddle. Adjust the straps and making sure my saddle was secure before moving onto the riding bridle and reins.

Jarryd stood, leaning up against Honey's stable barn door. He was watching me, closely, making sure I was putting everything on right and correctly. He smiled and nodded, as I moved and placed the bridle properly onto Honey's head. I grabbed the reins and began to guide Honey out of her stable and to the outside. Jarryd followed behind.

"I'll see you two later then?"

I hopped onto Honey, taking a few tries to get my leg over. I sometimes struggled getting onto her, even after the many years of riding horses.

"You sure will cousin!" I grabbed the reins, got comfortable before giving them a quick pull, legs squeezing Honey. "Yahhhh!"

"Don't forget we have...-" Jarryd started to yell something, but Honey was too quick for me to hear.

Honey bolted off, guiding her through the people, through the first fence, passing the apple orchard. Honey was quick, galloping through the apple trees, past the other fruit trees and finally reaching the vineyard vines. A few workers turned and watched as we rode quickly through the vines.

Honey clipping the dirt, creating a clear path behind as. Her hooves clopped, a few jingles from the reins and the saddle and it was the perfect sound. The weather was perfect, this ride was perfect, this whole day was perfect. It was just what I needed. It was just what I wanted.

A beautiful, sunny day, with a light breeze through my hair. Riding on Honey through the vineyard, taking our time and not having to rush through the fields. Smelling the earth, the trees, the vines, having all my senses opened. It was exactly everything I wanted and needed. It made me feel amazing, happy, wonderful even. Nothing could ruin it.

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