Chapter 15: Awakened

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Selena screamed in her sleep sobbing like crazy, she was scared...

"Shes having a nightmare! a very scary one!! and it doesnt seem its going to end! oh zo! oh zo! what to do!!!??" zorua freaked out

"How do we wake her up??!!" bianca asked freaking out with zorua. Hugh had touched her shoulders to calm her down, also because she was annoying and he wanted her to shut up. she only calmed abit but remained still.

"What about this?" Nate took out a yellowish green shiny feather

"The lunar wing...?" Dark whispered surprised

"I found it when i was traveling in reversal mountain...there was a strange house and i found it in a room, now i cant tell you how creepy it was, but it was..strange..." Nate whispered as if something was going to hear him

"This will be perfect!" shadow took the feather and gave it to zorua. zorua grabbed it with her mouth and placed it on Selena's chest. it glowed a bright green color and disappeared

She calmed her breathing but wasn't getting up. Anthea quickly checked her pulse "I feel no beating!" everyone gasped. just then Selena shot up making zorua almost falling.

"Master!!" zorua cheered wagging her tail

"Zorua..?" She cried quickly hugging her. "I'm sorry...i love you zorua..." She cried not really caring that her Pokemon was talking

She faced all her Pokemon and ran to hug all of them "I'm so glad you all are safe..." she cried loudly. they were confused but all hugged her together

She looked over her shoulders noticing everyone staring at her. she shot up and faced them abit scared.

"Your alive!!" Rosa and Bianca yelled hugging her. she happily returned the Hugs

"Oh Selena! I'm so glad your okay" shadow smiled. Selena frowned

"Wheres ghetsis...?" she asked nervous.

"Dont worry, rayquaza shot him to the reversal world" N smiled


"Yes, it was the Pokemon that you brought out while ghetsis was choking rescued you" rosa smiled. selena dug through her pockets and took out the extra pokeball. 'Thanks dad...' she said to herself smiling

She looked back at everyone and started to cry again, "I'm sorry everyone... I didn't try to betray you...i was just desperate to see my Pokemon again..." She cupped her eyes to prevent everyone from seeing her cry any further.

"But it's all over now! your saved! and your pokemon are okay! including ditto, we gave it a revive" Bianca smiled.

"What happened in the nightmare?" Hilda asked concerned.

"I don't want to think about it nor talk about it..."

"I understand..." Selena faced vaporeon and umbreon "guys...promise you'll tell me the truth if i ask you something?" she asked, they nodded convident.

"Did you two have a egg?" the two Pokemon choked their heads confused but shocked that she know. they nodded ashamed.

"There was no reason to not tell me, i would have helped you find it, but the thing is, it would be impossible" they tilted their heads confused. "Because your egg had hatched into a very special eevee that is standing right behind me" she smiled moving away to show them the shy white eevee.

They smiled and ran towards the eevee licking her face happily as if the accident never happened. eevee giggled happily.

She faced everyone..." i have to leave..." she walked out the door with most of her Pokemon

Pokemon: Pink Aura [Under major editing] Where stories live. Discover now