Chapter 25: The Beast

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"How do you know me and Selena!?" shadow asked glaring

"Espeon! Psychic!" the girl ignored his question. Espeon attacked zoroark but didn't do much effect. zoroark battled on his own will without any orders from shadow.

He used dark pulse on the floor and send everyone flying.

"Lady Sabrina! This is not a battle field! stop teasing the young man with white hair!" a maiden in the kimono next to her flareon said

"Geez...i knew you were gonna say that...fine" Sabrina rolled her eyes. Espeon returned to its master side

"Now spill it!" shadow glared

"Calm your white roots" she walked up to him. she explained what happened with colress and team rocket "they kidnapped red for his special powers, they are planning to use him and Selena to take over, but we have to rescue red first. he isn't aware of his powers yet, but he and Selena together can cause real damage, along with some other people with them"

"How do you know all this?"

"My might be an expert of psychic Pokemon, but I have abilities of my own. Come..." Sabrina took her alakazam and transported the two to saffron city in the Pokemon gym

"You're a gym leader?"

"Yes, and I know a lot about you shadow, you fell in love with Selena when you first saw her eyes in the wild fire, and now you're blushing" her back was facing away from him. he really was blushing but didn't make it obvious.

"Knock it off! that's weird!" Shadow blushed

"Aren't you and Selena the weird ones...?" Sabrina turned facing him. zoroark glared at her insult "stay in the gym over night, i'll help you find your girlfriend in the morning...maybe" she walked. shadow thought to himself 'is she my girlfriend..?'

The next morning, Sabrina walked towards shadow sleeping standing on the wall next to zoroark. ningas don't sleep on beds basically. "Wake up..."

He opened his eyes and stood up straight "lets go...we are in kanto right now. so meet me in the dance theater. she teleported with her alakazam. shadow sighed annoyed. whats with her? she's acting like dark...

He and zoroark teleported to the dance theater. Sabrina was in the front waiting for him "you took too long...lets go, I have a movie I need to shoot.with your little friend Rosa" she walked towards ilex forest.

"Why are we here?" shadow looked up at the trees blocking the various of sunlight. she stopped in front of a shrine

"This shrine contains power of a rare Pokemon, we need a way to awaken it"


"Because it's important!" she snapped "I don't want the world to be ruled by some weirdo scientist! Celebi has been awaken once, it has to awaken again..." she disappeared with her Pokemon

"Hey!" he called out but she was already gone. she has left him there to think for himself "does she expect me to find a way to wake up celebi...?"

He felt someone near, "alright guys, come out" he said, his brothers appeared next to him.

"How's it going...?" shade asked

"To be honest, I don't know... that stupid gym leader just brought me here and expect me to know some answers" shadow sighed

"Come..." dark said running at top speed. his brothers followed behind reaching the burned tower "lets enter..." the triad entered the tower. there was a huge hole in the middle of the ground showing the basement.

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